Sunday, January 12, 2014

LIR 1714  Jera

Yay!  More production from actions taken in the past!  And also a reminder.  Our actions today create harvest for the future.

It's been a week, so I can't say I remember everything that was harvested.  But here is the thought that strikes me now, that has been relevant through the last week.

Every action, every thought, every single decision brings a harvest of consequences.  And we train ourselves and others with those actions and reactions.

For one example, we set up an appointment to view an apartment.  There was a choice of Sunday or Monday to view.  I chose Sunday because I factored in past behaviors & preferences like time getting off of work, how we drive, weekend versus weekday traffic.  The weather may not be optimal, but it's a good thing to know also - what the drive is like in uncertain weather.  All of these decisions are harvests from past actions.  Learning experiences.

Every single day we do and try and we file away all the feelings and responses we receive from our six senses to create a harvest for the next time we do and try.  It is not just others we receive harvest from, it is ourselves.  How do we treat ourselves if something we don't like happens?  How do we reward ourselves and for what?  What little things do we do that we think are being strong, and are really just punishing?  what other things do we do simply because they make us happy?

Another example, in my case, is back to the food and health thing.  Because we watch tv while we eat dinner, eating is a natural act while watching television.  So when I wake up and realize I've eaten too much, I have to look back not at the meals, but at the things I've consumed because by body thinks I'm hungry when I watch tv.

Every action brings a harvest of consequences.  this is good to know, because it means I am totally in control.

LIR 11214 - Eihwaz

Today is a day to step back and view the bigger picture; how can you balance your truths with the truths of another - be it another person, or you from another time?

I hope you have a great day!


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