Monday, January 13, 2014

LIR 1214 - Eihwaz

Today is a day to step back and view the bigger picture; how can you balance your truths with the truths of another - be it another person, or you from another time?


I have been married and/or in a partner relationship with one person for more than 20 years.  Such a length of time creates patterns.  One person rubs off on the other.  It creates ways of thinking and feeling that you (or I) might not otherwise have thought or felt.

It also creates a sense of one-ship.  Two become one.  The eternal and sometimes annoying "we" of the couple.  Which means, one member of the couple often assumes her/his feelings and preferences do belong to "we".  But this is not always the case.

Last night I bridge the truths between myself and my husband by asking a question.  Just one question.  And I found out his answer was not the same as mine.

  I want to travel, possibly even move out of state.
  He doesn't.

This is where the hunter steps in.  This is where we take a step back from the needs and desires (and devastating shock) of the moment, and take a good long look at the whole world view.  This is where I look at what I think I want, and what I think he wants, and build a bridge between.

Moving out of state is probably out of the question, though... having a second home somewhere might be acceptable.

I can travel wherever and whenever I want.  By myself.

I can get a job that requires me to travel.

And he can create a happy little nest for me to return to.  After all, though I secretly enjoy laundry and I do have the occasional clean fanaticism (usually right before rituals), I am not a happy homemaker.

The trick is not to view the situation as rigid, but as fluid.  Like the sand pictures.  This picture looks lovely, but that color doesn't really want to be there.  So what if we tilt the picture, and send the color over here?  Huh.  That looks pretty cool also!

LIR 11314 - PerthroR

Yes, your news if life changing!  Keep going!  Ride that wave of energy to further production.  You'll have even more to celebrate later.

I hope you have a great day!


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