Perthro this week is specifically about influences from the past… more like ripples. The butterfly's wings have flapped, the pebble has dropped in the pond, and the effects are now reaching our shores. We still have no control over it.
kind of resembles a cup, lain on its side. In this case, we can think of ourselves as the cup. The energies, ripples, wing flaps, are rolling towards us, rushing to fill the cup. And, again, we have no control over these energies.
Until they are ours.
Once the energy, the influence, the result of whatever past action rolls into your personal bubble and becomes part of your reality, you have plenty of choices!
How are you going to act, once you know what's going on? Are you going to block the energy, neutralize the energy, accept the energy, use the energy, pass it on?
Let's look at it this way. A box arrives at your doorstep. This is the outside influence. Obviously, it's a past influence, for the box was sent (or ordered) a few days ago. You decide to open the box. Or not. You decide to bring the box into your home. Or not. You decide to keep what's in the box. Or not. You decide to use what's in the box. Or not.
Let's say it's clothes in the box and, in your opinion, they're too ugly to wear. Do you wear them? Return them? Donate them? Stuff them in the back of your closet? Pull out the sewing machine, the bedazzler, and the dye packets?
Let's say, in your opinion, the clothes are perfect! Do you wear them? Return them? Donate them? Stuff them in the back of your closet? Pull out the sewing machine, the bedazzler, and the dye packets?
Stuff is going to come in. We have no control of the influences, ripples, responses, energies flowing toward us. We can control what we receive, what we keep. And we can definitely control what we do with the gifts that arrive upon those ripples.
This one was difficult to interpret. There's so much trepidation, for me, around other people's choices. I expect part of this is because I have learned a distrust of the human powers' that be. After all, any good story has to have something to struggle against, doesn't it? And oh, the bad guys we have created for our heroic journeys.
So I think I am going to practice changing that perception. For example, I know I'm not the only hopeful, bright-eyed, optimist who believes in unicorns. I know many people have at least one of those traits.
I also know that many people strive to become a power for the express purpose of affecting the world in a positive, hopeful, unicorn friendly fashion.
So I am going to practice believing in those energies, the bright shiny energies. If the government, and the world, is made up of humans (which, yes, is also a belief system), then i am going to make my "Vote" in the energetic world and support the positive. I am going to believe in fairies and other supposed mythical creatures like honest politicians and CEO's who work for and with their employees. And by this belief, this support, I am going to help create more!
And, yeah, I am going to color all of the ripples that come my way with my rainbow marker even before I decide what to do with them.
It sounds flighty, I understand. That's because I do like sparkles. But, really, what it is, is love. A deep, connected with everything, accepting everything, awesome love. It does require practice to stay aware of (hence the rainbow markers), but it's the most influential power I know.
I hope you have a great and positively influential week!
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