If you find yourself
staring at a situation, a project, an event, wondering why it's not going
anywhere, this week the possibility is there are no seeds hidden under that
planning. You can work and work, but nothing is going to come from it. Most likely, this is because of a lack of emotional connection.
Whatever the situation, it's not feeding you and you feel very little for it.
The question for the
week, then, is what do we do? Do we strive to plant seeds, create a connection,
change the perception or the situation so we do care? Or do we move on to
something that brings more zip to our personal doo-da?
IngwazR and UrazR -
what is it really worth to me?
Well last week really felt like I got little done. I think I spaced out on the focus on the work part, and got caught up in all the other drama. Hopefully, this week, I'll connect with what does feed me and quit paying attention to crap I really have no desire for.
I expect a more productive and (naturally) happier week!
I hope you have one too!
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