Thursday, May 28, 2015

LIR Weekly 52715 - Raido

Being the rune of movement, Raido can cover a lot of ground - metaphorically as well as literally.

This could be actual physical movement of travelling out of the space you're currently in. This could be the movement of cycles, repeating the same steps in a situation with a different perspective. This could be moving forward in your plan, your project. It is most likely a movement you've been contemplating for a while. But you've been hesitant.

Raido says, now is a good time to do it.

But the unknown can be scary, even when it's wished for. How do we allow ourselves to move, with grace and ease and comfort?

The secret, the important part of Raido this week, is to realize that every step we take is new. Every time we make a choice, we gain experience. Even when it feels we are walking in circles, we are actually moving up and around, a spiral. We may do the same thing over and over again, but each time we do it it's easier because we have new knowledge, new skills, more practice under our belt.

Anyone who has watched a movie more than once knows that each experience is different - not because the movie is different - but because the watcher has more or less knowledge, is in a different mood, has more experience in each situation.

So choosing something obviously new, while it may hike up the adrenaline because of evolutionary response, is no different than choosing something "old". You are a new person with each decision you make.

 And each choice creates movement.

Like the situation, the choice of movement doesn't have to be huge. It could be changing seats on your porch. Stepping out with your right foot instead of your left. Skipping instead of walking. How does that change the movement, the perspective? The truths?

To sum up the question, or thought, Raido is proposing: are you ready to move forward, possibly in something you've been contemplating for a while? Are you ready to make a choice and take a step? Do you want to move outside of your comfort zone?

And if you are the one with the question, then the answer is yes - Now is a good time to move.


Has it really been only a week? Actually, is it true the month isn't over yet? I have taken steps, done a lot of movement, in the past 30 days. I'll be interested to see what the next opportunity is.

Yes there will be travel again this week - and I was going to say, but that's not about me. However, every choice I make is about me. So… But… And…

Hmm. I guess that's all I have to  say today! At least on this subject.

I hope you have a great week.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

LIR Gemini 2015 - No Rune, with Ur (Ogham)

So, this coming month is going to be one of practice. Focusing on our truths, on the steps and rituals and habits which bring us happiness in every moment. There is no general storm, or transition period, or bridge to cross. Just practice, as each moment arrives, as each event unfolds, as each question comes up. Breath, find your truth, your balance, and move, speak, act, be.

Of course, the reason we call these things practice is because we're still working out what form of behavior, action, or speech brings us happiness. If you're like me, there are plenty of opportunities to practice and improve, each time coming closer to a moment, a behavior, a response or action which brings you that deep sense of beauty and rightness. Happily, if you're like me, there are more moments of beauty now than there were a month ago, but there are still plenty of places to practice.

So Ur (which is Ogham for Heather) is going to pop in - through dreams, sparks of inspiration, the careless word of another, a passage in a book or show - and give us a little sparkle to add to our practice. A little twitch to help bring more beauty to the truth. A little nudge to get us exactly on the pitch we're striving for. Yay, Ur!

The trick to playing with Ur is to allow it to be an addition to the practice, and not the basis of the practice. For example, the rune reading this month is still the rune reading. The addition of the Ogham gives it a little more depth. I will not be switching to Ogham readings all the time.

So, let each moment be what it is. Remember your personal version of grounding (mine is: step back, breathe, center, and find my truth of the moment.) Practice it in every situation, let it be flexible in every situation. See how the inspiration nudges, see if you like it. Just because you think of something doesn't mean you have to do it. Or that it's right for you!

Practice makes anything possible.

video is available HERE


Personally, I'm looking forward to a quiet month of practice. I have plenty of things to practice on, and I expect, as I practice they will become easier to do, and therefore less looming! Which will finally leave  me time for practicing what I really want to do - more writing, more singing, more coaching, MORE!

I hope you have a great month!


LIR 52015 weekly - Naihwaz & PerthroR

I have learned a new aspect of Naihwaz this past weekend - that of the sacred fire, the fire created to purify the offerings, to request aid and blessings, to accept the bounty that comes. In my mind, this translates as making the fire, and the objects, sacred. Which leads one to wonder, just what does sacred mean?

I think, I feel, sacredness is connected to that feeling of Nirvana, of accomplishment, of awe and wonder and joy so deep it's difficult to express. And isn't that what we feel when we finally reach home, after a journey? When we finally accomplish our goals? When we finish a great book, or hear an amazing song, or see a beautiful science theory?

We feel the moment is sacred. We may even feel the item or event is sacred. Hopefully we also feel sacred ourselves, for that moment.

What if we could be in that moment all the time? What if we allowed ourselves, our movements, our thoughts, our truths to be constantly awesome, amazing, and sacred?

There is no need for bells or whistles, for jewelry, outfits, or feasts. Just an acknowledgement, a silence, an acceptance of the tools, the moment, the transition. A knowing that it is, they are, we are, sacred. Because, whatever we have and however we have practiced, these moments will never be again. And we have given of our best.

So this week Naihwaz asks, what is sacred within our hands, within ourselves here at the end of this transition? What is celebrated, now that we have arrived on our personal shore? Can we, further, allow the tools and gifts and moments to just be, simple and sacred (in whatever fashion you consider sacred), without trying to make them more, or less, than they are? Can we allow ourselves to be, in every moment, sacred, purely ourselves, no adornment necessary?

PerthroR chimes in with a thought. To really celebrate, feel, allow the awesomeness of this moment, perhaps wait before running out to celebrate with your clan. Allow that moment of silence, of pure personal appreciation. Allow yourself to rest, explore the tools, the shore line, the end of your journey. We have worked on and from our truths for a very long time. This may only be one shoreline, one storm, one situation or emotional discovery on our path, but we deserve to appreciate it for ourselves. Not to dilute it with the party, the celebration.

We deserve to make the moment sacred with the silence and fullness of our regard.

Granted, PerthroR may also be a question, or an answer to a different question. Even without the desire to give each moment its own sacred space in time, this may be a good weekend to just sit back and breath. No big parties, no rush to connect with your clan. Allow yourself and your body (and your tools and your thoughts) time to process, settle back into shape.

As I type this, I realize sometimes we float a long time between the end of the storm and settling into shore. It's not that the distance is long, or even that we're adrift. It's simply that it takes that long to process all that has happened and apply it to the new world we are in.

So, allow yourself the sacredness of the moments it takes to celebrate your scientific discovery, to appreciate all the amazing work you have done, to replay the song or reread the book, to find where you are and what you have. There is no rush to connect with your clan. They will always be there. And it can be easier to find the sacred truths in ourselves, if we each have the space to process all the awesomeness personally, before muddying it with the opinions and perceptions of others.

Who are also uniquely sacred.

To view the video, please click HERE (after 2:30 pm MDT on 5/21/15)


Before I rush off to do the upload the next thing, I just have to say. The sacred part I will enjoy practicing.

The not partying, gathering, celebrating with my clan? Not so easy. I'll have to think about that one. I mean, yes, not only would it help me process, it would help me catch up on all the things I want to DO with all the insights and tools and...

Let me put it another way. I often think, when I encounter Naihwaz, that it's saying yes, you can make do with these few [insert tool names here]. But all it says is you'll have what you need (and conversly, what you need is what you'll have.) 

Long pause for a perusal of what I have - when it comes to ideas, projects, happy to do's and necessary to do's - I have a lot. Insert expletive of your choice lot. And another party next weekend. It does make sense to settle in, buckle down, physically process some of my to do list. 



"But I really want to see the Avengers on the big screen," she whispers. I wonder if I can tell myself it's self care? Will I believe it? It could even be my truth. 

I hope you have a great week!


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

LIR 51315 Weekly - Kunos, EihwazR, UrazR

This week EihwazR holds a different meaning for us. It still talks about how worlds can be separate, without bridges, without an overall view, but now it's more personal. Let's start at the beginning.

Kunos is left, EihwazR lower right, UrazR upper right.
 Link To Video of Reading  

Kunos denotes choices. Possibilities. Light shining into any corner you wish to explore. This week, Kunos tells us that it's time to narrow our choices a little. Time to solidify our plans.  Pick a color scheme, choose a team, decide on which seminars you wish to attend. Make a decision.

Now, we don't have to limit our choices - we can choose a myriad of things - the colors, the team, and the seminars. In fact, EihwazR tells us, the things we choose don't even have to be related to each other. So, I can love purple and gold, but root for the Dallas Cowboys (who are Blue and White. Or silver. I'm not sure.) I, for one, have a variety of interests, and each time I think I'm going to discard all but one, the others come knocking again. So, in this situation this week, I don't have to even apply the skills of just one trade, or the scheme of just one color, to my decisions.

UrazR tells us, however, that if we choose multiple focuses, we will have to be prepared for some shaky ground.

If you stick to one dream, one scheme, you can build it's tool box pretty quickly - heck, you probably already have the color scheme in mind. And the foundation will be solid, and you'll work steadily at building your truth.

If you have different dreams and desires, ones which have little to do with each other, that requires different toolboxes; or perhaps a larger toolbox; or maybe a toolbox, a soapbox, and a bookcase. Different dreams. Different tools. Different skill sets. Maybe even different places.

Steady foundation, or multiple dreams. Either choice can be right - it is your truth which tells you.

And remember, this is just for the choices that come up this week. Who knows what's going to happen next!

Another adventure for me, this week. Beltania starts tomorrow - it is a 4 day festival celebrating spring, and the marriage of the Goddess and the God. It will be the first time I have attended a camping pagan festival (there are a few during the "sunny" months.)

I have all of my equipment and have even practiced setting up my tent in my raincoat. What I don't have is a real clue as to what classes / events / rituals I want to attend. So different from the Threshold gathering. Which could be the meaning of EihwazR for me, right there. That Threshold Gathering is its own world, and Beltania is its own world. Don't expect the same kind of focus and feeling. They are two different subjects, literally the beginning and the ending of life.

I know I wish to see SJ Tucker in concert. (Yay!). And there's a drumming group that will be giving workshops. But there's also the appeal of the daily services for the sun. So, though I do like to have a plan, I don't actually know what is going to appeal. So I'm going to go with the ungrounded, disconnected, floating version of the weekend. At least for this moment of truth.

I hope you have a great week!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

LIR Weekly 5615 - EihwazR, EhwazR, JeraR, Perthro

I forgot to take a picture when I did the reading, so I'm hoping to link to the video. 

Runes are read from bottom to top

From the position of the runes (EihwazR being below the chain,) it appears this is a continuation of last week's work with projects or divisible worlds - worlds which need bridges, connections. Last week we decided if they needed bridges, or if it was better to let them - each world, each part of the project, each section of the choir - work alone.

This week is a good time to look at those disparate worlds and see what it is that keeps them from flowing together. Is every part operating under the same goals, the same culture, the same language? Is everyone singing the same song? Comparison and judgment can be good tools.

And, again, do you (do we, do I) want it to be in flow? Is the discordant effect wrong, or right for the truth we're seeking?

This week will probably not produce anything, for all the work and effort we're putting into this project; perhaps it's not time for it to produce anything yet. (so, don't sing the song for the public, don't present the report). There may be another question to ask. Is all this work worth the expected harvest?

It is a good time to get some outside opinions, however. A dress rehearsal, beta testing, or even taking a perception of the project(s) from the overview, instead of from the inside. Recording, practicing, seeing the piece as a whole can help wiggle out where some tuning might be helpful.


Of course, my own insecurities do pop up immediately - OH NO! What am I doing wrong? Why won't it fit together? Why doesn't anything go the way I want it to?

Then my inner coach gives me my pillow pet and reminds me, there are no mistakes. This is all practice. Big and small, stage show and outfit, final test for college and new business launch. You can only do what you can do. I cannot do your best. You cannot do my best. WE can each only do our best. So how much do I want to give to this project, regardless of its production value? How much time, energy, love, passion, do I want to exert?

And when I put it that way, I can think of a few situations which might fall into this reading very nicely. I'll have to think about the outside influence though. That's something which will require practice… well, I guess it depends on which situation I'm in.

Hmm. I wonder if I can apply the accepting attitude of a place where I request outside information (like voice lessons) to the places I don't want it so much (like when I'm talking about writing and everyone wants to tell me how to get things published.)

Thank you, and I hope you have a Great week!


LIR 42815 Weekly

Eihwaz R

EihwazR is about connections, bridges, the middleman standing between two (or more) worlds.
   This week, Eihwaz asks us to contemplate the connections in the situation.
   Does there need to be a bridge or a mediator? Could the situation be helped with an extra step, a translation, a primary overseer?
   Does the situation have a bridge that is not needed? Would the various groups in the project do better to work on their own piece before trying it as a whole?  Can the training wheels come off?
   And the final question: Are you being asked to be the bridge? Do you want to do it?

Hagalaz is the storm, the change, the traumatic change.
   It being spring, Hagalaz could symbolize an actual storm or natural event which causes change - even a small storm can blow away an unneeded piece of paper. Though we may have thought we really needed that paper!
   It could be an emotional or spiritual or situational storm - because something as simple as a haircut can be a traumatic change. Which is redundant. Change is Traumatic, even when we're prepared.
   Perhaps Hagalaz is a question. What could stand to be shaken up? What change in routine, diet, clothes, place, could help release something we no longer need?

EihwazR and Hagalaz could be connected - the decision about the connections or bridges will effect a change.

Whatever the situation, the question, or the answer, remember your truth. It may be different from everyone else's, but it is just as right, for you. And that, standing for yourself, can be the biggest, most traumatic, most simple act of them all.


Welcome to the transitional post!

Though I suppose the next one will be the actual transitional one.

This month at least, I am finding it difficult to analyze the week previous. I'm very busy looking ahead. So I have changed the style of the post for the next coming week, and I am putting my observation and thoughts about the reading in when I write it.

It's interesting how things transition, isn't it? And is this just for this post, this month? Or for moving forward?

I can tell you, quickly, before I move on, that there were storms in nature last week, as well as a huge shift in myself. I went to the Threshold Choir International Gathering, and in reviewing my actions, it rather feels like I crammed all my years of growth and change into 3 days.

It felt like an Up With People gathering, so on day 1, my automatic defenses rose to people pleasing, bright and shiny Lila. By day 2 (with some deep breathing and permission to remember it is only practice) I had brought myself to vocational Lila - still a little unsure how to present herself directly to people, but much more comfortable exploring her options and space. And then, glorious day 3, (despite the misread as described in the last post), ah, day 3 was the first formal appearance of Lila Unic Allen, Happiness Coach, Story Teller, & World Creator. When I spoke, I spoke from my truth. When I listened, it was without judgment. It felt pretty awesome. She stayed for day 4.

As for the worlds to straddle, or the bridges to burn - I'm not sure. There are so many aspects it could apply to. So, I'll just keep moving forward. 

I hope you have a great week!


Saturday, May 2, 2015

My Life in Runes - UrazR

I sometimes pull runes for myself. It only makes sense, right? Though I have learned we often forget to do what would really help in a stressful time. Especially if we're focused on how we "should" do it for others.

Regardless, I am practicing.

Today I pulled a rune for myself. (I am at the International Threshold Choir Gathering.) And I received UrazR.

Of course, reading for oneself can be tricky. Many of us tend to be much more stern with ourselves than with others. And of course, if the rune has any form of a negative connotation, the mind (or whatever implant that runs the OMG machine) starts listing them. All.

I maintained my practice, I am happy to say. I asked myself, what would UrazR mean today if I were reading it for someone else? It could be "Something may not feed you". Or perhaps a question. "Do you have a foundation? Is something missing a foundation?"

I have really gotten to know my chest voice on this trip. And my writing voice (I'm still looking for my hair.) So of course, as I'm belting out songs in the "Sing Your Prayers" workshop (finally got my gospel fix!) I wondered, should I be playing with my high voice? Maybe I'm not supposed to be singing so low (cuz yeah, my voice can get into the foundations. Yay!) So, happiness being achieved, the answer to that was no.

Turned out, it meant don't go to a specific workshop.

I had other signs. I thought, maybe I need to take a break. When I saw the facilitator, I was not drawn to her. And when she described the class, I thought, oh. Hmm.

But, I was nervous about going to this one because it involved my personal creativity. And further, growing my creativity. And even further, putting my creativity out there. In front of women who can create five part harmony on the spot. Oh, glory! So, I read the soft nos as an extension of the anxiety.

But it wasn't the workshop I wanted. There were displays of creativity, but no budding potential brought into bloom. Not what I was craving! I did sing my song, after babbling through an introduction, because I was so anxious. I knew if I didn't sing, I would go three shades of frustration at myself. After all, I was there.

But it wasn't worth the singing. I swear, this time, unlike book signings, the bout of anxiety was not worth it at all. I can't say there was no connection. Because they tried. But, there was no food for my well.

Happily, I listened to myself later, and was fed with laughter, and companionship. I had the table of sunshine. People joined me. So, yes. I totally missed the small moment the rune was discussing, in my watchfulness for the big moment. But oh, the joy I found when I tried again.

I actually do need to work on my singing foundation, though. My throat has just informed me, my support needs a LOT of work. But I'll probably still think that belting was worth it, even tomorrow.

I hope you have a great day!
