Tuesday, September 29, 2015

LIR 92915 - IngwazR, and UrazR in water

If you find yourself staring at a situation, a project, an event, wondering why it's not going anywhere, this week the possibility is there are no seeds hidden under that planning. You can work and work, but nothing is going to come from it.  Most likely, this is  because of a lack of emotional connection. Whatever the situation, it's not feeding you and you feel very little for it.

The question for the week, then, is what do we do? Do we strive to plant seeds, create a connection, change the perception or the situation so we do care? Or do we move on to something that brings more zip to our personal doo-da?

IngwazR and UrazR - what is it really worth to me?


Well last week really felt like I got little done. I think I spaced out on the focus on the work part, and got caught up in all the other drama. Hopefully, this week, I'll connect with what does feed me and quit paying attention to crap I really have no desire for.

I expect a more productive and (naturally) happier week!

I hope you have one too!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

LIR 92315 Weekly - FehuR

Fehu is the rune of the energetic flow - the energy of work flows into the matter of nourishment (money) which fuels energy for work.  FehuR indicates the cycle is not the main focus of this coming week.

For many of us, it can be easy to get caught up in the loop of wondering if we're producing enough to receive the nourishment we need. When we do that, our focus shifts away from the work, which can make the work feel meaningless or insufficient. For us, FehuR says practice just doing the work. Really doing the work. Because the more we focus, the more solid the work is and therefore, the more valuable in terms of energetic return.

On the other side of the viewpoint, some of us have already been focusing just on the work. For those "us"es, FehuR suggests it's time to come out of that cozy cocoon and see how the work translates into nourishment. (Re)establish the connection with the cycle.

FehuR - your work can feed you. Be fully present in the action of work; and let the work be an easily flowing part of the nourishment cycle.


Hello to you! Gonna keep this one short as I'm taking this post pretty personally - it goes along with my personal reading, which I heard as an exasperated "No, you don't need any help. Just get to work!"

Of course, that's easy to say. I have created a big distraction for myself..., no, wait, I am not going to phrase it like that. Rather, I made a timely and necessary decision to replace hardware, and now I am relearning how things work. Change is good. Change is good. Release the fear!

Meanwhile, things are taking longer than usual - which is just temporary, but something I must accept at this time. So. Thank you. I'm breathing. And working. Yay us!

I hope you have a great week!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

LIR 91515 Weekly - No Rune

Yes, it's our friendly No Rune again. Yay! This means another good week to practice our tools.

Last week was about ripples. It may have felt like a small ripple. It may have been a big one. You may not be sure what the ripple was. Regardless, we reacted and acted, chose, and moved forward. And created new ripples.

These ripples may involve new tools, new possibilities, new muscles.

So this week, we practice the basics again, with this new element added. Rather like a dance or a program. Step by step we move until we are comfortable with our form, or sure that the program runs smoothly. Then, consciously, we add another step. And we check again to make sure it's running smoothly, that the form is comfortable.

It may feel like starting over, but it's actually a continuation. The best way to ensure a solid foundation is to test the basics. I expect you'll notice that many parts are easier, though there are probably one or two you'll need to really focus on again. (If you're like me, there always are.).

No Rune - you know the drill. Breathe, step, breathe, step. New steps, possibly. New muscles, even. But it's still about your choice. Your truth. Your happiness. Step by step.


Seriously, how difficult was it to move this morning?

It wasn't that I wanted to stay in bed, exactly, it was just that getting out of bed, moving through my morning ritual, even getting myself working required conscious effort. So I am very partial to the "new muscles" interpretation of the reading. And I am grateful for another week to practice. Because I for one have had a few new things either come in or open up.

We are always influenced by outside forces. Always. Even the song we hear faintly in the distance sets up a response in our brains. We react to thing automatically all the time. It's the conscious reactions which take work. And though it feels like we're (I'm) making the choice over and over to move forward in XYZ, I wonder if I'm (we're?) actually trying to wimp out. After all, if I sit down and meditate over my choices yet again, I won't have to actually do anything. And my muscles won't be so sore. Right?

Well, I hear that the best, true way to keep your muscles from being sore is to use them until they are strong enough to do the work. If I sit yet another day, that would be like starting over. And I don't want to start over. I want to keep going. My body isn't a temple, my body is a workhorse. So is my mind. And my spirit. We are most energized when we're doing. 

So, today I may be doing a little slower. But I'm still gonna be doing. And not at all watching that clock, counting my breaths until I get to officially take a break. Not at all.

I hope you have a great week,


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

LIR 9915 Weekly - Perthro

Perthro is about outside influences - they flow toward us; they happen all around us. And we have no control over them.

Perthro this week is specifically about influences from the past… more like ripples. The butterfly's wings have flapped, the pebble has dropped in the pond, and the effects are now reaching our shores. We still have no control over it.

Perthro, as you can see in the picture,
kind of resembles a cup, lain on its side. In this case, we can think of ourselves as the cup. The energies, ripples, wing flaps, are rolling towards us, rushing to fill the cup. And, again, we have no control over these energies.

Until they are ours.

Once the energy, the influence, the result of whatever past action rolls into your personal bubble and becomes part of your reality, you have plenty of choices!

How are you going to act, once you know what's going on? Are you going to block the energy, neutralize the energy, accept the energy, use the energy, pass it on?

Let's look at it this way. A box arrives at your doorstep. This is the outside influence. Obviously, it's a past influence, for the box was sent (or ordered) a few days ago. You decide to open the box. Or not. You decide to bring the box into your home. Or not. You decide to keep what's in the box. Or not. You decide to use what's in the box. Or not.

Let's say it's clothes in the box and, in your opinion, they're too ugly to wear. Do you wear them? Return them? Donate them? Stuff them in the back of your closet? Pull out the sewing machine, the bedazzler, and the dye packets?

Let's say, in your opinion, the clothes are perfect! Do you wear them? Return them? Donate them? Stuff them in the back of your closet? Pull out the sewing machine, the bedazzler, and the dye packets?

Stuff is going to come in. We have no control of the influences, ripples, responses, energies flowing toward us. We can control what we receive, what we keep. And we can definitely control what we do with the gifts that arrive upon those ripples.


This one was difficult to interpret. There's so much trepidation, for me, around other people's choices. I expect part of this is because I have learned a distrust of the human powers' that be. After all, any good story has to have something to struggle against, doesn't it? And oh, the bad guys we have created for our heroic journeys.

So I think I am going to practice changing that perception. For example, I know I'm not the only hopeful, bright-eyed, optimist who believes in unicorns. I know many people have at least one of those traits.

I also know that many people strive to become a power for the express purpose of affecting the world in a positive, hopeful, unicorn friendly fashion.

So I am going to practice believing in those energies, the bright shiny energies. If the government, and the world, is made up of humans (which, yes, is also a belief system), then i am going to make my "Vote" in the energetic world and support the positive. I am going to believe in fairies and other supposed mythical creatures like honest politicians and CEO's who work for and with their employees. And by this belief, this support, I am going to help create more!

And, yeah, I am going to color all of the ripples that come my way with my rainbow marker even before I decide what to do with them.

It sounds flighty, I understand. That's because I do like sparkles. But, really, what it is, is love. A deep, connected with everything, accepting everything, awesome love. It does require practice to stay aware of (hence the rainbow markers), but it's the most influential power I know. 

I hope you have a great and positively influential week!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

LIR 9215 Weekly - TaiwazR

Yup, pretty sure we've had this one before. And the meaning hasn't changed.

There is no need to give anything up. For most situations.

I'll grant you - there could be some situations where this rune is saying, "If you're looking for a particular XYZ, you aren't finding it because you’ve already used it." This is the day, event, situation, future you traded for.

But for most situations this rune is saying we can fit it all. Rather like one of those puzzles where you have to get all of the blocks into the box - there is a way for everything to go in. Whether you're talking about schedules or projects or getting one more thing into your suitcase for the trip, there is a creative way to include everything you really want. Everything that feeds you, or that answers to your truths, or that sparks your passions. You can, we can have everything we want this week. There is a way.

Even those situations where this is the day you traded for, you actually have the funds or the energy or the means to replace what you used previously. No hardship. No "gasp" SACRIFICE.

The final corallary - if something doesn't fit, really doesn't fit, if there is no way to eat the cake and have cake next week, then maybe cake isn't really needed, in either situation. I know it sounds like a divination cop-out, but it doesn't change the truth of our lives. If we are living our truths, practicing our passions, and every day making choices for our happiness, we KNOW that we can do and have and be everything we want. We know this is just a reminder. And we know that if something doesn't work, doesn't fit, doesn't feel right, then  it's not for us at this time, no matter how much we wish we wanted it.

TaiwazR - there is no need to choose. What you need will fit in your life. There are no limits to your truths.


yes, it's really nice to hear "I can make it work." Yay me! 
The question I ask myself is how? How do I make it all work? I understand I can fit it all in, but HOW?

And it always, still, all comes down to practice. 

Wait! Before you throw your hands in the air and swear never to read my blog again, just... wait.

And breathe.

And remember. Did anything you do ever NOT require practice? From crawling to walking to reading to zinging that look at errant transgressors, some of it is skill, yes, but there was still and always practice. Even habits are made automatic by practice. Years of practice. And repetition.

Each time we work on something, do something, we achieve more knowledge and more skill. We understand a little more about the process, and about the way we (individually) do it best. 

If you're like me, you have realized that creating a HOW TO sheet is the best way to start anything new! I use it for my daily schedule and for all of my work. (How to pay bills. How to practice voice. How to do my fantasy writing time.)

This helps me a) know what all the involved steps are, so I don't conveniently forget to stretch in the morning; and b) change old habits by reworking the steps, so I can be consistent in my practice; and c)when the practice doesn't work, I can try a different way there on paper, and remember what I did differently.

I'll be honest, it is a guide. Somedays I do jump right over the "tidying up" because I really need / want to get to the "work". And I keep changing when I exercise. It is a learning process, learning to balance what I want with when I do it best.  I actually do pretty good grunt work during a specific time. And practicing breathing techniques as soon as I wake up in the morning is an excellent way to stay in bed for a few more minutes and still feel productive, with the side benefit of starting the blood flowing. Yay!

Practice. For me, it is the only way to fit everything in. Last month, I was calmly breathing over my sorting and filing. This month it is a smooth process, even when I skip a day. And I'm actually accomplishing things. Next month, I expect the sorting will be so easy I won't even need an in-box. And I'll be happily accomplishing my passions and my chores.

Because I can fit it all in. I can do all the things that really matter to me. With practice.

I hope you have a great week, and a happy practice!


Thursday, August 27, 2015

LIR 82615 - LaguzR in Fire

If you're like me, you're itching for things to get started. To be able to test theories or practices. To be in the possibilities. To do SOMETHING with your dreams.

LaguzR is implying we'll get a chance to do something, but it's not going to be the big rush of a grand opening we might think we want.

Laguz itself is about that rush - being carried away by the force of the birth; being swept along once things have begun. But LaguzR says nope, not this week.

This could mean that this is another week of making sure we have everything in order; of practicing our steps and creating more product.But I feel LaguzR pertains more to the start - saying it will be slow, but it definitely will be. We will have time to practice as we begin our takeoff. Time to correct the position of our wings. Time to jump out of the plane and run back and get one more tool. Time to use the restroom. Time to make sure all of our thoughts are aligned, and we're happy with our course.

With LaguzR being in Fire this may feel especially relevant for the creative parts of our projects.  This week, this slow start, could be a creative step. A slow step. A small step. Not the leap, not the flight, not the rushing downhill. But a step, finally a step, towards our awesome future.

Happily, since we're stepping slowly and surely, we'll be able to see more possibilities, make choices in line with our truths, not feel pressured by anything other than our own desire to release our gifts into the world.

LaguzR in Fire. A slow start is a good start. A slow start gives us time to practice and place our steps carefully, so that when we are running, rushing, flying, we will do so with confidence. 

Ready, set, walk!


Oh, I am amazed at how things flow, one into another. How one practice can influence ten different events in a day. And those events influence the next week, which influences another practice.

The connectivity is astounding. And easy to miss, especially when I'm revving to go.

Happily, I actually believe I am grateful for the slow steps. However much I am wishing to be in the thick of things, I know that I am still practicing my decision making processes; and that I work best and most happily when I am doing one thing at a time.

But I am also grateful that there is finally a step. There is only so much one can plan, or do, without an audience or client or agent, or whatever and whoever is the next step to bringing creativity to life. When two cymbals crash together, the vibration is not a sound until it interacts with eardrums.

On a side note, I also feel like I've done this reading before. Which would bother me, a little, except I know things go in stages also. Stop and start. It's all forward movement, as long as the intent is growth. 

I hope you have a great day!

Friday, August 21, 2015

LIR Virgo 2015 - Gebo

Gebo is the gift of equality. Of balance. Of receiving and giving equally.

So this month, the question is, are all parts supporting each other equally?

Our lives are full of parts. And when we step away and look at the whole, we see how the parts flow from one to the other. The "work to money to food to energy to work" flow is the most common example. And each part is vitally important to the healthy whole. The work is not more important than the food; the money is not more important than the work. In this cycle, they are all equally necessary steps, and equally supportive of and supported by each other.

Granted, not every aspect of our lives is a major corner stone. And, as usual, this reading may to one part of your life. But whatever the situation, the important focus is, are all the parts giving equal energy?

Relationships work best this month with equal give and take, equal support and equal nurturing.
Projects work best if everyone is contributing equally.
Your daily work flow could be best served if you are providing equal focus to each aspect.
If you're like me and have a few different hats, each one needs attention this month.

And it's more than just attention. It's seeing how each of the parts of the relationship flow together. How do they support each other? How do they require support? Because equal energy (and equal support) does not mean similar. For one person, intense energy contribution may only be represented by one line in the project plan. For another, a whole sheet of lines. But through both of their efforts, the project is a complete whole.

Likewise, in any relationship (which, for this exercise, let's define as 2 or more humans in communication), the more people involved, the more versions of language, production, and support you're going to have. Our job is not to judge the types of support or effort; our goal is not to make everything uniform. We simply want to feel, to know, to assist in creating the balanced flow.

Gebo - it's about balance. Equality. And knowing that equality does not mean sameness. When you can see / feel the equal connection & support flow through a variety of things and people -- the beauty of that is the true gift of Gebo.

I hope you  have an excellent Virgo month.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

LIR 81915 - TaiwazR

This week, let's know there are no limitations. We don't have to make bargains, exchanges, or sacrifices. We're gonna watch the movie AND finish the project AND play outside. We shall eat ice cream today and still fit in those jeans tomorrow. 

Taiwaz is about expediency, making choices, sometimes sacrificing - where sacrifice means, exchanging one thing for another. TaiwazR is, obviously, about the reverse of that. Not making a choice, not exchanging. Having it all.

Yes, it might actually take more time, or more energy, but all it really takes is a choice. And a belief. I believe I have the time, the energy, the brain power, the space, the fiscal agility, the (insert adjectives here) to do everything I want to do. To include all I want to include. And to do it well, because part of having something done is being able to look back at it and say I did that!

Now, if you're looking at a situation and thinking, okay, I'm doing it all, I have it all, and I'm still missing something, perhaps this is the week a previous choice repays you. With Taiwaz being about expediency, perhaps what you're looking for is left over from the past - the money you saved, the outfit you didn't wear, the material you didn't use. This could be the time to use it all.

This week, let's not give things up, or make hard choices between two desires. This week, let's practice doing it all. Being it all. Having it all.  


And here, instead of my usual rambling about myself, I offer you a little assitance in actually doing it all. Cuz if you're like me, just the thought of getting it ALL done creates a whirlwind inside your head. So. When you start to feel the hyperventilation, I hope this helps:

* Stop everything you are doing (unless you're driving)
* Take a deep breath. Yeah, really. Just take a deep breath. Follow that breath all the way, make sure it hits the bottom of the diaphragm.
* What? You're not sure? Try again. The breath goes in the nose, down the back of the throat, THRU the lungs, pushing down the diaphragm, expanding the lower ribs. It also expands the pelvic floor, if you know how to breathe really deeply. But that may be an exercise for another day.
* Blow the air back out. Notice how the everything that expanded contracted? Yeah, the body is pretty amazing. I could go on about this all day, but then neither of us would get anything done.
* Wait! Before you harken back to the whirlwind, one more deep breath. Do you notice where your attention is? If you've been breathing (and gazing in wonder at your expanding bellybutton) your attention is on your base. Your root. Your foundation. Not up in the head where all the lists run rampant.
* Stay here, grounded in the breathing of the body which is fully capable of accomplishing all you want to accomplish. The body fueled by the breath. The breath which flows easily and expands.
* When things are expanded, more things can fit in them.
* When things are expanded, more things can be done.
* When the mind and spirit are expanded with the body, more things are possible.
Like a squirrel on caffeine (a scene from Over the Hedge), everything slows down. And we can see (through our oxygen charged brains) more efficient, easy ways to do things.
We can also see (say it softly) what things don't REALLY need to be done today (sadly, dishes and laundry have to be done SOMETIME.)
* One more breath. Then, from this great expanded awareness, pick the next thing to focus on. Cuz your body, amazing as it is, can only do one or two things at a time, right? So, what's the next step?
* And breathe.
* And what's the next step?
* And breathe.
* and repeat until...
...you're finished. Yay you!

Hope this helps you as  much as it helps me. (And yes, this is something I do every day. In fact, I was doing this a few minutes ago when the whirlwind tried to take over my shower. Not only did it calm me down and give me space, it gave me something to post. Yeah, for multi-purpose tools!)

This is going to be an amazing week. For me, at least. I hope yours is too!


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Life in Runes 81215 weekly - No Rune (and Iubhar)

Yay us! We are still heading in the right direction.

But you know I don't like receiving No Rune twice in a row. So I pulled an Ogham card to supplement.

The card was Iubhar (the yew tree). Iubhar is about transitions, life cycles, and rebirth.

Yew and No Rune are telling us to remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Nor was the land it occupies barren and perfectly prepped for its creation. When we build things, create things, start new things, we also demolish things, uncreate things, end old things. It is a natural cycle.

So we keep taking steps forward, and using our tools. We destroy the old ruts, and we create new ones. We turn cloth into clothes one action at a time. The Enterprise's replicators had to be programmed, step by step, to create the perfect cup of "Earl Grey, hot." Even the program I'm using right now to communicate with you was created by the laborious step by step of someone else.

But we are building our Romes. Step by step. We are in the middle of it. We are moving forward. We are creating our realities.

So yay us! Really. We're still stepping. We don't as a group, need any other advice than to keep stepping. And yeah, we might sometimes be stepping in it, but that just means our soil is fertile, right? Right.

Cycle on, my peoples.


Yup, another week. I'll admit to some exhaustion. Perhaps a few muscles feeling over-worked. But mostly, I'm feeling excited. I am getting things done. I am taking the steps. They aren't always easy… self-confidence really requires some work, sometimes. But my world view has helped me a lot. Accepting others for themselves, allowing others to be themselves, really helps me believe in the equality of everyone, even me.  A tool I used to use was, "I have as much right to ask my questions as anyone else."

Now, my tool has changed to, "The person on the other end of the (phone, email, counter, etc.) is just as human as I." I can't exactly explain why this phrasing works, but it does. Because humans want to connect? Because it gives me permission NOT to have all the answers? Permission to seek help?

And while I am looking forward to having this drudge work under control, I am enjoying the step by step this week. Because the steps bring about results. And I know the path leads to an awesome creation.

I hope you're having a great week!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

LIR 8415 Weekly - No Rune

No Rune, as you probably remember, means there is no new advise from the Universe (or from ourselves) about what's cookin' this week.

The good news is, we've got this. One step at a time, practicing our tools, doing our thing, and being the best we can be.

The difficult news is, we've got this. One step at a time. Practice those tools. Do YOUR thing. Be the best you can be in each moment.

I wouldn't call it two sides to the sword; I would say it's 2 parts of a whole. The calm acceptance we give to drama and transition; the breathing and practicing we use to get us through the challenges - these tools are the same tools to use in times of boredom, ennui, and the plain old "I don' wanna!".

Our goals have not changed. The zing may have retreated, because now things are no longer new and exciting. In fact, some things may even be dull now. They might be (say it softly) chores. And when we feel like we're getting trapped and bogged down by chores, or frustrated and rushing through, it's time to go back to our tools.

Breathe. Step back. One thing at a time, even though the computer feels slower than EVER. Be in this moment. Live the truth of the moment. Be your best in this moment.

And then, move on to the next.

The affirmation is: "Every day, in every way, I am better and better and better." We don't just want to be awesome tomorrow at the really cool stuff. But Every Day. In Every possible way.

At least I do.


In the first draft of this post, I had a long bit about how drudging it felt, to practice things I consider chores, or am reluctant to do, for whatever reason (some of which I am not consciously aware.) Which in and of itself is illuminating to me. 

But then I edited the post to make it more relevant to the reading instead of my personal practice; and in searching for the source of the affirmation, I found something new and astonishing.

According to Wikipedia and Brain Quotes, this affirmation, "Every day in every way I am better and better and better," came not from a 1970's leadership speaker, but from a 1900's French psychologist, Emile Coue (there are accents in there, but I'm too jazzed to figure out how to use them.)

Just by doing things in my best possible fashion, following my truths (I must give credit where it's due; & I rarely remember names), I found something new. Something to explore. Yay!

So, yeah. Step by step. Every day. Whether washing the dishes, or writing a book. It's even relevant in divination readings. Find my tools, and work step by step.

It's the fastest way to happiness.

I hope you have a great day!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Life In Runes Leo 2015 - Fehu & Wunjo

Fehu - more energy coming our way, of the material kind. All that hard work is paying off, and the things you consider work are going to give back this month. Perhaps a bonus; perhaps you're going to get paid finally; perhaps you win a GC from a grocery store.

From another perspective, maybe someone is going to be working hard on your behalf. Someone else may put energy into your business, or expend energy for your material benefit.  Either way, it looks like it's going to be a prosperous month.

Wunjo - family, clan, gatherings. It could be a good time to celebrate with the peeps you consider the home of your heart.  It may be time to plan for (or expect an invitation to) a gathering of your family or clan. Or maybe just take a few minutes to get in touch with your loved ones, check in for no good reason.

Material return coming in; get with your clan. It's a pretty straight forward month. Don't burn through it all at once!

video version

Hmm. So. I SHOULD take another vacation and hang out at the beach. With family, of course!

And I'll be spending the payment on sunscreen.

Last month the foundations shifted. Slowly and steadily, like a continental land mass, something changed. Perhaps it was in the only foundation that really matters - myself.  Whether it's my perception or my energy that has changed, I find myself waiting (again?) for the other shoe to drop. Having released the old, weary or possibly temporary foundations, I am curious to see what will pay off this month.

In fact, I am in such a "wait and see" space, I have nothing much to comment about this reading. So…

I hope you have a great month!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Life In Runes 72215 Weekly - Taiwaz

Even as we enjoy the fruits of a past decision, we are faced with new decisions.

And isn't that the flow of life?

This week Taiwaz is about the cold hard facts.

When facing a situation and deciding what the game plan is, we definitely want to step outside of our emotional comfort zone and be logical, maybe even brutal, with ourselves. A great way to know what we realistically can accomplish is to look into the past. Ask yourself, from this unemotional frame of mind, "did that work last time?" 

When you travel, do you arrive within the time frame your map app quotes? Are you faster? Slower? How long does it take you to actually get out the door? Does your 10 minute project usually take 15 minutes? These are important things to know when scheduling your day.

What about the time of day? Are you more effective at something in the morning than in the evening?

Have you in the past signed up for interesting classes but then had to cancel because your schedule was too full? Save yourself the frustration and don't sign up for the sheep-delicing seminar!

And what about that vacation plan? Do you have too many activities on the day after a 13 hour flight? Or too few?

Taiwaz. It's not even a sacrifice. It's knowing ourselves, inside and out, accepting ourselves, and really touching the core of our truths, so we can plan for the now and for the future. We have the power to make our lives easy.
(video link)


So, last week was about making decision that will make this week better.

So far, my best decision was to do this week's readings before I went on vacation!

Isn't it amazing how disruptive a vacation can be? Surely there's a better way to handle such a thing, for the relaxing to be truly relaxing, without having to work twice as hard before and behind in order to "take a few days". But, shrug, it is what it is. Whether it's a vacation or a work trip… actually, any project or event can work more smoothly with planning and foresight. Not planning everything to the minute - but having a basic itinerary, some goals, and knowing oneself well enough to be realistic about those plans, and accepting enough to let things go if necessary. 

And oh, the small decisions that have such a big impact. Like deciding not to take my lap top with me when we went to the Adventure Park, and then having two hours where I preferred to sit instead of go on rides. The phone just didn't cut it as a tool for work I wanted to do! Shrug. Another practice moment. 

Yay, practice! Right?

I was going to whine a little about wanting more success moments, but I do remember having some in the past. Triumphant success moments, not so long ago. So I am going to take a deep breath, take another step forward, and practice making more logical, totally based on my needs and my skills, decisions.

It's all really just another way of accepting ourselves, isn't it?

I hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

LIR 71515 Weekly - Taiwaz in the Future

prefer video? watch here

There are times when we have to look at a situation, make a decision, with two points of view - the present and the future. Rather like a general looking at a map, or a person looking at a budget; we look at the finite amount of what we have, and decide whether we want to use it now, or save it for the future. We know certain chores need to be done, and we decide to do them now, or later. We procrastinate on our studying, or we don't.

Often in the stress of the moment, we are only focused on how our choices affect the now. But the reading for this week lets us know that next week, we are going to have some results, some consequences, some less or some more.  Next week the other shoe will drop.

If this is regarding a decision you've made in the past, now is a good time to prepare. Shore up your energies, if you expect to have less. Prep for a night of cramming. Conversely, you can sleep well knowing your project is well completed. And if you saved, know that the time you saved for is coming.

If this is regarding a situation you're in now, Taiwaz advices you make the decision based on future happiness. If you love steak, save it for a special day next week. If you really don't want to go somewhere, do it this week so it's happily in the past next week. If next week is jam packed, perhaps you can preprep to save yourself some energy.

Often, we make decisions for our truth and happiness in the moment. That's what we've been practicing. Perhaps we have that skill down pat now; we have a good idea what brings joy and what brings white hot raging frustration. So now we get to expand. And make decisions based on our truths, and the happiness of the future.


It's an interesting experiment, to try and look ahead into next week. The now is so easy. Perhaps that's why it's time to expand. Because, yes, the next week already has many differences. There are changes coming up… Volunteer training for Hospice; vacations and birthdays, and, if we look REALLY far, Fall. Time passes.

It has been excellent practicing what works. And now, I do think I'm ready to carry it to what WILL work. Like holding a note, or walking a step, or cooking a dish. You start with step one and then, when it's easy, you add it to another step one. Eventually you have a song, a marathon, a meal.

I can do this. Now, what can I do with this?

I hope you have a great week!


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

LIR Weekly 7815 - AlgizR

No, there is no guardian angel, energetic provider, or silent partner for this situation. Do you want there to be?

As the Earth goes through its metamorphosis, and as we all go through our own transformational storms, it becomes more and more important to ask for what we want. Especially for those of us who carry a sense of personal responsibility like a shield. After all, there are plenty of times we don't want anyone shielding us, sending us that little extra bit of light or energy, treating us (we feel) like a child or precious cargo. Grrr.  Right? Right.

And the Universe says, excellent.

But that means that when we do need that little extra helping hand, communication, or shield, we have to ask for it.

Do you know the awesome thing about asking for help? You get to be specific about what you want. Sometime people offer help, but their skills do not match your needs at all. Their energy has nowhere to go, no place in your situation. But when you ask for help, you get to say - I need this extra surge of energy at this time, to accomplish this specific task. And sure, I have time to hang out and have pizza afterward.

So, if you're facing your situation and wondering if it's moving along so well because of an extra little push from the Universe, the answer is no. It's all you, baby!

But if you're wondering why your situation isn't improving, or growing, perhaps it's because you have given all you can give, and it's time to ask for help.

This week AlgizR is saying, there is no extra energy guarding or guiding you. So, how do you feel about that?


I pull a rune for myself to warm up before doing other readings. And my rune for the day was Algiz (not Reversed.)

Algiz was pointing directly at me, instead of out into the Universe. Which I interpreted as me being the one giving the energy, instead of the one receiving it.

Now, if you're like me, you believe that we are all "the Universe". You feel The Universe is made up of all the bits of matter and energy that permeate its space. So we all get to direct what happens, have a say, make a request. And we are all tools of the Universe also, to fulfill others' requests. To be the guardian angels and energy providers to those who need it.

Sometimes we do these things physically - like stopping when we see someone with a flat tire, or providing direct energy work. But we don't have to get physical to be the answer to a prayer. After all, not all of our needs are physical, are they? Finding that second wind; walking safely to an outlet store; surviving Black Friday sales unscathed. These are all things we would attribute to outside assistance - whether you call it God, or angels, or luck. And we can provide that for others, just by sending our energy out into the world, to answer a request for help. To be used as needed.

Our connections are awesome and vast and amazing, if we just let them be.

One of my favorite passages is from a book called Paladin of Souls by Lois McMaster Bujold. A woman in having a conversation with her God, and she asks why it took so long for her prayer for help to be answered. And the God replies that he directed many people down that road, but there was only one who chose to go the full distance.

Which is awesome. We get to choose what we do. We get to choose how we help! And if we feel the call to help, we don't need to run out and find someone with a flat tire . We can simply send the a connecting energy, to refuel the person who is asking for assistance.

Which, given the way time and space work, could be ourselves in the future. Or the past. Hmm.

I hope you have a great day!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

LIR 7115 Weekly - No Rune

Things are moving along so it's time to revisit the basics.

Are you using your tools? Are you living your truth? Are you "working the moment" with your greatest and highest happiness in mind?

Sometimes as we race through projects, or get bogged down by all the bits and pieces running together, we can fall into old patterns. So this week, as we continue to move forward, let's take a moment to review.

Am I breathing?
Am I listening to myself?
Am I doing this, choosing that, because it will bring me happiness?
Am I agreeing? Or am I going along? Am I listening to me, or what I think someone else wants?
If my choices were limitless, would I still be doing it this way?

Remember, at the end of the day, and even in the middle of it, you are the only person who is responsible for your actions. The buck stops with you. You choose. You do. You get to choose how you do and what you do and even why you do. 

So, take a step back. Take a deep breath. Is there anything you've forgotten in the rush of passion?

I want to watch the video!


Grrr. Aaarrgh.  Blessed unhelpful runes. Excuse me while I go tear my hair out and practice what I preach.

Ding dang double dad gum.


Okay, I'm back. Yeah, I let myself get tangled in the would haves and should haves. Having just sent out my monthly newsletter asking for money, I got sucked into the "Productive Income" and earnings level… you know, do more! Do more! Do More!!!

This rune was not advice to add or expand any of my services yet… it was instead a reminder to "put your oxygen mask on first."

Focus on skills is awesome. Focus on goals is wonderful. And oh, the dreams I am manifesting. But there are still basics to deal with. Like food to eat. Yearly check ups. Cars with flat tires. So, pay attention to the basics. 

And for me, that very much ties in to the monthly reading, about settling my foundation. And not letting myself get caught up in the "Oh, but…" or "perhaps I should be… "

I believe in myself. I am my foundation. Therefore, it behooves me to ensure I am in good condition. After all, my heart and lungs and stamina have to be in working order if I want to travel ALL over the world!

So thanks to all who are part of my foundation.

And I hope you (all) have a great day!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

LIR Weekly 62315 - Ingwaz

Yay! Let there be bloomage!

Ingwaz is the rune of the seed - as it sits underground, being nourished, the object of our hopes and fears, full of possibilities; and as it springs forth, seemingly overnight, and we begin to get an idea of what it will become.

The energy required for each situation is different. The care of feeding of something in gestation is more focused on beginnings, and there are a lot of liquids involved. But something which has form, something which is now growing and showing itself, that something can have more solid food, more physical energy. Because it is more solid itself. It is an actuality. 

Yes, there are still options, differing outcomes, possibilities… but with this physical form those misty futures are already  coalescing into actualities. And the energy required to feed this seedling is about blending what you have with what you want, seeing how it works.

So, whatever situation this brings to mind, the question now is… does it appear to be going in the direction you want it to? Is it what you were hoping for? Is it time to repot? Do you need to thin out the blooms? Is some weeding required? What kind of food do you want to give it? What do you have available? Is it time to let it grow on its own? Does it require less obsessive focus?

And, most importantly, is your truth, are your dreams, the same as they were when the seed(s) was planted? Do the seedlings still serve a purpose? Or are they simply ornamental proof that things do eventually come into being?

Ingwaz - Yes! There is growth in our garden. Possibilities are taking form. Now, watcha gonna do? Watch Video


I guess I can only repeat, yay! My work is taking form, I am giving it serious energy. It will be interesting to see what it becomes. I have no preconceived thoughts for this week.

So I reread last week's reading, about Gebo. In Air. Because last week was a pretty heavy week, especially the week end. And I wonder. Because the thing which sticks out about energy exchanges in air, last week, is a feeling of being bombarded by words. Discussions, casual meet and greet, sounds in a restaurant that had nothing to do with me. The weekend was full of loud and passionate voices

And I wasn't prepared. I did not want to give my fair share (listening or talking), I wanted to not be involved. So a lot of energy went into shielding, hiding. Which turns out wasn't productive at all. And I don't think that was productive at all. It left me exhausted. Like I expended too much energy for the situations. And it brings to mind another lesson I love to teach (so listen up, Lila.)

Resistance takes a lot of energy. And that's what I have been doing, resisting the words. Actively putting up barriers. Which gives the words form and power. Which makes them more solid.

What is there besides resistance?

Acceptance, first. Everybody has the right to their words, and they get to express them as they desire.

And then, filtering. Like meditation in a way. The object of the focus is what is important, and that exchange of energy continues despite attempted distractions. I don't have to catch all the words, thoughts, intents which come into my sphere. I can just let them fly harmlessly past, keeping my focus on what I want to interact with.

Hmm. I think there's still  more work to flesh out that idea. But thanks for listening, if you were.

I hope you have a great day! And may your garden grow, beautifully.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Life in Runes Cancer 2015 - UrazR

UrazR is telling us that in the coming month, some of our foundations are going to shift.

We get energy from many different places: our clan, our homes, our jobs, our cars, music, books, television, classes. We extend our roots into them, make them part of our support group, our comfort patterns, our safe havens or our learning centers.

But Uraz is saying that some of those foundations, even ones that worked so well in the past, are no longer going to be  comforting, supportive, educational.

This is natural. Everything grows and changes. Things wear out or run down. Batteries drain. Patterns become ruts. People grow and expand and evolve.

And as we change, our needs change. Or our way of fulfilling needs changes. The blanket fort gave way to the plush couch. Now the couch is only comfortable in memories and needs to be replaced. Perhaps by a recliner. Which will break down or become uncomfortable to your body in its turn.

Even in a metaphysical sense, places we connected to and grounded ourselves in are shifting; the calm place that  recharged your core is now a seething volcano. The soothing white noise is now an irritating buzz. Mother Earth is busy revamping herself and do you want to ground in a vortex?

It is time to find the foundations that need to change and begin uprooting ourselves. Time to actively try new connections. Celebrate the transformations, give thanks to the old forms of support, and move on. Happily, this is a reading that spreads over the month so we have time to test the various waters, or soils, or rooftops. Play a little. Explore a little.

And the calmer you are in this change of location, the easier the transfer will be. Even if it's fast, it doesn't have to be painful or stressful. Hence the advice from the runes.

UrazR - foundations which served us well in the past are no longer supportive. It is time to find new connections and make an easy transition.

For Video Version


Whenever a rune reading is about something I'm experiencing, I wonder if it's going to apply to more than what is currently in progress. For example, if I were preparing to get a new vehicle, and this rune appeared, I'd wonder if it meant it's time to sell my house also. (happily I rent, so it's not actually an issue. To my knowledge. Hmm. Grrr.)

However, even if there is nothing else (or nothing other) than the foundations currently being repotted, it is a good time to reflect on what I do consider my foundations. Am I getting bored with the music I have? Is it time to find a new author to read? Perhaps I should get out of the house (apartment) and visit parks, or take day trips to "exotic" places. Even my decision making process could be a foundation in need of change.

And. Or. Maybe I don't have new systems to replace ones that were already released. Like comfort eating. I'm about 50/50 - oh, all right, 70/30 - in my practice to not turn immediately to food in times of sorrow, boredom, frustration, happiness. But I haven't actually found a good substitute, or new practice.

I have to admit, though, I think it will be a nice day when we get a general reading which does NOT indicate change, growth, reattachment. Not that we ever stop growing, but resting on my laurels sound nice and peaceful.

At least I also now I am 70/30 successful at flowing easily and gracefully through situations. Which means, whatever the changes, I know happiness is a byproduct.

I hope you have a great day!
