Monday, December 9, 2013

12813 - Berkano

Today we get to step up and try on that nurturing role - through comfort or gentle nudging.  Nurturing comes in all forms, so listen to your truth.


The person I nurtured was myself.  And a lot of it was in the gentle nudging way, if by gentle nudging you mean re-enacting the scene in Mystery, Alaska where the men are all standing around commiserating while insisting their teammate serve up his own justice by sliding into a snowbank with just his jock strap on.

The men are, in effect, nurturing the transgressor.  They understand his pain, but he needs to face the harsh task ahead of him and grow thereby.  They listen to his griping and whining, but are relentless in their attitude of "Just do it."  There is also an underlying understanding that he made his bed, so now he gets to throw his delicate parts into it.

And yes, that's how I've been "nurturing" myself this past day.  Which I don't really like, cuz it makes one me sound harsh, and the other me sound wimpy.

Which brings up the question - what exactly is nurturing?

(which leads us to searching for a dictionary app or e-book.  Which takes time away from the thought process.  Not! helpful.)  Okay.  From Android app:

     Nurture: to feed and protect; to support and encourage, as during the period of training or development; foster; to bring up; train; educate  (also available as a noun.)  (rooted in the word nourishment)

To support and encourage (right into a snow bank.)  Train.  Educate.

That one.  Educate.  I like that word.  That is what I'm doing for myself.  Because the parts of me that need nurturing are the parts I know so little about... like the physical body. And I've been through education before, so I know it requires study and learning, it stretches the brain.  I understand how education works.  (At least for me.)  I enjoy the thought of educating myself.  It's a pretty empowering word.

So, I have been educating myself for the past day, and opening the door to further education.

I hope you have a great day!


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