Saturday, December 14, 2013

121313 BerkanoR

Today is a day of doing what needs to be done.  No cushioning, no safety net.  No coddling.


This past day, BerkanoR nudged me into productivity.

Yesterday, I planned to practice clothes shopping some more.  I scheduled a familiar store for the morning, and then lunch, and then a strip mall for the afternoon.  And yes, this is during the holiday season, but I thought I was safe because it wasn't a weekend.  And I was going to celebrate the practice with a gourmet cupcake.  

I did very well at the familiar store.  I tried things on.  I explored different brands and different sizes and I didn't try and talk  myself into sticking with a size 18 when it felt too tight.  Granted, my body shape will shape up (or would that be down?) but for now, I must accept myself as I am.  And, even more difficult, I didn't buy something just because it fit. If I don't like something, I'm not going to wear it, which will pile guilt on top of the remembered frustration of shopping.

So, when I left the store, I was not depressed or frustrated.  (Or not much anyway.)  I was much better off than a year ago.

But, it was hard to be so crowded.  And it's not just the people, but all the clothes crammed into such a small space.  I was grateful to be out of the store.

Next I went to lunch with my warrior friend.  And we had one of those conversations where, by the end, you just need to sit and stare at a blank wall to fully absorb all the truths.  Between that and the lateness of the hour and other personal events, I decided to save the strip mall for another day.  Which meant, no gourmet cupcake.

Previously, I would be so very put out by the change in plans.  i would either berate myself for avoiding the mall; or I would  make it a full out sloth day and watch television and buy something sweet to make up for the treat I missed.  

Happily, I remembered, first, that I still needed to do the daily rune reading.  So, I did a fast one.  And there was BerkanoR, telling me to get my act together and quit moping.  So instead of slothing, I did some bookkeeping.  And then some writing.  And, of course, some posting.  (I did stop to have dinner, cooked by my husband.  So, I did get a treat after all.)

And this morning, the productivity continued.  It was, in fact, a very productive day on, I think, all 4 of my branches.  (Reading, Riting, Rithmatic & Ruminating.) 

Amusingly, the reading today was again BerkanoR.  So, still moving right along.  Let's see how much more I can get done before the Full Moon.  And this does make me happy.  Productivity is still addictive.  And I love what I do.  So bring it on, Berkano!

I hope you have a great day.


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