Thursday, April 16, 2015

LIR 41515 - No Rune

Yup, again. Another good day to expect the basics. Stick to your truths. Just take one step at a time. And remember. It's practice. It's all practice.


I think the last time the rune came up as no rune, I had the same challenge I faced with this day. Groggy, plan for the day all twisted up. Not inclined to do anything! Definately a time for practice.

Happily, my peeps helped me over the hurdle - one friend talked about having the same issues (lying back or stepping forward); and another refused to validate my need to be a couch potato. So, yesterday I worked through it. And I'm so glad I did! I have a project which really needs finishing tomorrow (preferably today) and I did a big chunk of it yesterday.

Further happiness, this two week span (from day off to day off) has been more productive, on the whole, than previous 2 week spans. I often get to the middle and throw my hands up in the air and laze around. This set, I only sat mindlessly in front of the tv for a 1/2 day. I think.

Well. I choose to believe this is so. I choose to believe my stamina is increasing. Because that is what I need for the future.

So, no rune for me is coming to mean, keep your nose to the grind stone. You're going to have enough challenge just focusing on the basics. 

Moving on!

I hope you have a great day!

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