Saturday, October 19, 2013

101913 - EhwazR in Earth

Not all wavelengths are the same today when it comes to material choices.
Do you choose to run with the pack?  Be yourself?  Put off the decision until tomorrow?
What makes you happy?


I did find myself wondering, as events happened, okay, is this the wavelength difference?  Is this where it's going to crop up?  As if I was expecting it to be a bad thing.

Which is frustrating, because that would not be how I bill myself.  I'm the sunshine person... bringing the bright side of the runes to everyone.  Yay!  (the crowd goes wild.).
And a difference in opinion, or even desires, isn't a bad thing.  Even in a pack, every member is different.  It just makes it difficult to communicate sometimes, when one's values are different than the other's.

It's like trying to define a word.  (I was thinking about climbing onto my pet peeve soapbox which includes words like literally and legitimately  but I'll choose something else.)  Oh, okay.  Let's look at value.  Some would define value as the price of something.  Other might read it as the preciousness.  Something of value could be cherished, or insured; it could be material or it could be emotional.  Value is almost literally (ha!) in the eye of the beholder.  What is of value to one person, like diamonds, means nothing to another (who would pay a month's salary for a signed first edition copy of Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchett - course, that's last month's salary, not the soon to be salary *G*.)
Or, to look at another set of words, some people use faith, spirituality, and religion to all mean the same thing.  Others see them as separate topics.

So, it can be difficult to speak, to get on the same wavelength, when each person is speaking from a extremely different perspectives of material value.

Happily, because I was expecting it, even looking for it, what could have been a frustrating situation became a moment of learning.  I was willing to, hmm, not lower expectations, but perhaps change my approach.  Change my wavelength.  well, willing to try.  It turns out, I couldn't.  I've done a lot of work to get myself on this wavelength.
But I was able, willing, to try the discussion again, to approach the subject from a different angle.  Still different wavelengths, different values, perhaps even different realities on some subjects.  But, I think, as long as we keep talking, it won't matter if we don't always understand.

So, what makes me happy?  Well, it makes me happy to know where my wavelength is.  And it makes me happy to know I'm able to try and expand my world to at least hear other wavelengths.  It does make an interesting harmony.

I hope you had a great day!


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