Thursday, January 28, 2016

LIR for Aquarius Moon - Dagaz (off the mat)

If you're like me, you're feeling a little frantic right about now. You have all these plans and desires and needs; and you're not sure how and where and when; and every time you look up from your work you feel driven and rushed and completely ineffective.

And that's what Dagaz is here to talk about.

Dagaz is the rune of doorways, of time, of finishing one story before beginning another.
Dagaz' position off the mat means that the drive we're feeling, the rushing of time, is as much about the fear or hope of time's passing as it about time actually passing.

And if we're aware of that undercurrent, we can stop the inner panic.

Because Dagaz is not about letting time bully us. Time does pass, it's true. It's a fact of life. Look, there it goes.

But look at what we have done as that time has passed. We have breathed. We have chosen. We have experienced. We have grown. We have learned.

In fact, let us take some precious moments to really look at all we have done. Let us pause in our frantic rush to appreciate what we have accomplished. To acknowledge what was never done. To look at our lives, and our hopes, and our fears, and say, Okay. This is where I am today.

Because as we look at what we have done, and what we wish to do, we celebrate ourselves. We give past selves their proper due. And we see clearly the foundation on which we are going to build our future choices.

Dagaz - Understanding that the tick tock of the world clock is ringing in the back of your head, give yourself space and time to view your story. Then it will be time to step through the next door - unrushed, unhurried, and untrammeled by the celebrated past.

I hope you have a great month!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

LIR 11916 Weekly - Jera

"Do you believe the work is equal
 to the harvest you desire?"

What a loaded question.

If you're like me, the answer seems to be "What work?" With a lot of exclamation points.

Yes, I know the general feel of the harvest I'm working for, believing in, manifesting. I see it in the distance - a cozy cottage with trees and twinkly lights and a babbling brook. My favorite steed munching contentedly in it's own cozy place, and easy connection to all the people I love.
Or a grand store, where I can wake up in the morning and wander downstairs to do my writing in between clients and customers and random people pulled in by the atmosphere. My peeps are everywhere. My favorite steed is there too, and sometimes turns into a leer jet so I can travel to exotic places and write about them for the delight of my soul. There are classes and singing and knick-knacks and a veranda.

I can feel this. I can see it. I know I have the skills to BE it.

But between me and the cottage / store / castle of dreams is a misty expanse of nothingness. Just fog. Thick, heavy, clinging, dragging fog. Like in a video game, where the next part of the map isn't revealed until you finish all the quests on this part of the map.

And I have no idea how to clear the fog. I don't know what quests are due. I am running from screen to screen, pushing buttons and searching trunks, and nothing is working. And I can't seem to access my hints.

So, to answer the question, the work I am doing is NOT equal to the harvest. It seems to have nothing to do with the harvest. It feels like I'm spinning my wheels.

Yesterday a path-partner advised, "Just stop and step away." As in, stop stomping on the gas if I'm not getting anywhere. Stop running from screen to screen. Stop trying to figure out the fog. Quit trying to get across, or through.

Maybe sit down and have a cup of tea. Read a book. Finish my to do list - okay, start my to do list. It may not feel like it's attached to the harvest, but it is work that needs to be done. And there is still work which brings me happiness - like writing, and reading runes, and laundry.

And maybe that's the real answer. Just keep doing the happy. I know it's the answer I'm supposed to say, as a happiness practitioner. It's the answer that resonates, even though I have no idea how it will get me through, over, under, or around the fog. It's the answer I'm resisting because I CAN'T see how it will bring me to my dream.

But wheel spinning , as time consuming as it is, isn't working. It doesn't bring happiness either. And it's wasting gas.

So maybe if I focus on the happiness, the working of it will transport me directly to the next screen.

Because work that brings me joy is the only work that is equal to, worthy of, the twinkly Cottage Store and the Marvelous Steed and My People.

I don't know. It doesn't feel like the whole truth, but it feels like today's step. It'll be interesting to see what happens tomorrow.

I hope you have a great day.


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

LIR 10516 - Self

The rune for this week isn't actually a rune - it's the marker I use for the Self.

Sometimes in a reading, the self rune comes onto the table to tell you where exactly you are in the morass of information and influences. It can be helpful, to see what the current circumstances are built upon, and to see what is in the rearview mirror, even if the ripples are still being felt.

But today, this week, it's not so much about the journey. It's about our perception.

Perhaps this is a New Year's thing. We look around, as we get come out of our holiday comas, and we see with fresh eyes the routines and habits that take up our day. We see what we represent, and we see what we're associated with.

Is this where we want to be?

The important thing about Self is... it's not about what anyone else thinks - of you, of your morals or ethics, your beliefs, your actions.
It's all about what you think.

Are you happy where you are? Do you want more, do you want less? Do you want green instead of blue, or burnt orange instead of cotton candy pink?

The question may have a positive answer - Yes! I am exactly where I want to be! It feels a little wobbly, and I might pass out later, but I'm where I want to be.
Yay! Congratulations.

The question may have a negative answer - No! I am not where I want to be.
 It's possible.
This does not mean we need to jump right up and rip through our lives making changes. No.

This reading is simply about awareness. Asking the question. Seeing the answer. Accepting the answer.

After knowledge is accepted, we can then choose to act, or not act.
Definately Not REact.

And for most of us, it's going to be a mix of yes and no. Or yeses mingled with fear of future no, because of the wobbling. And no mixed with hopeful yeses, because we see our way toward the happiness.

Excellent. It's all good. Really. Because, again, it's just about being aware.

So congratulations to you, whatever the answer. Congratulations to us. Because we just took a good look at ourselves - and that, I think, is one of the most challenging things a person can do.

I hope you have a great day!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

LIR 92915 - IngwazR, and UrazR in water

If you find yourself staring at a situation, a project, an event, wondering why it's not going anywhere, this week the possibility is there are no seeds hidden under that planning. You can work and work, but nothing is going to come from it.  Most likely, this is  because of a lack of emotional connection. Whatever the situation, it's not feeding you and you feel very little for it.

The question for the week, then, is what do we do? Do we strive to plant seeds, create a connection, change the perception or the situation so we do care? Or do we move on to something that brings more zip to our personal doo-da?

IngwazR and UrazR - what is it really worth to me?


Well last week really felt like I got little done. I think I spaced out on the focus on the work part, and got caught up in all the other drama. Hopefully, this week, I'll connect with what does feed me and quit paying attention to crap I really have no desire for.

I expect a more productive and (naturally) happier week!

I hope you have one too!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

LIR 92315 Weekly - FehuR

Fehu is the rune of the energetic flow - the energy of work flows into the matter of nourishment (money) which fuels energy for work.  FehuR indicates the cycle is not the main focus of this coming week.

For many of us, it can be easy to get caught up in the loop of wondering if we're producing enough to receive the nourishment we need. When we do that, our focus shifts away from the work, which can make the work feel meaningless or insufficient. For us, FehuR says practice just doing the work. Really doing the work. Because the more we focus, the more solid the work is and therefore, the more valuable in terms of energetic return.

On the other side of the viewpoint, some of us have already been focusing just on the work. For those "us"es, FehuR suggests it's time to come out of that cozy cocoon and see how the work translates into nourishment. (Re)establish the connection with the cycle.

FehuR - your work can feed you. Be fully present in the action of work; and let the work be an easily flowing part of the nourishment cycle.


Hello to you! Gonna keep this one short as I'm taking this post pretty personally - it goes along with my personal reading, which I heard as an exasperated "No, you don't need any help. Just get to work!"

Of course, that's easy to say. I have created a big distraction for myself..., no, wait, I am not going to phrase it like that. Rather, I made a timely and necessary decision to replace hardware, and now I am relearning how things work. Change is good. Change is good. Release the fear!

Meanwhile, things are taking longer than usual - which is just temporary, but something I must accept at this time. So. Thank you. I'm breathing. And working. Yay us!

I hope you have a great week!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

LIR 91515 Weekly - No Rune

Yes, it's our friendly No Rune again. Yay! This means another good week to practice our tools.

Last week was about ripples. It may have felt like a small ripple. It may have been a big one. You may not be sure what the ripple was. Regardless, we reacted and acted, chose, and moved forward. And created new ripples.

These ripples may involve new tools, new possibilities, new muscles.

So this week, we practice the basics again, with this new element added. Rather like a dance or a program. Step by step we move until we are comfortable with our form, or sure that the program runs smoothly. Then, consciously, we add another step. And we check again to make sure it's running smoothly, that the form is comfortable.

It may feel like starting over, but it's actually a continuation. The best way to ensure a solid foundation is to test the basics. I expect you'll notice that many parts are easier, though there are probably one or two you'll need to really focus on again. (If you're like me, there always are.).

No Rune - you know the drill. Breathe, step, breathe, step. New steps, possibly. New muscles, even. But it's still about your choice. Your truth. Your happiness. Step by step.


Seriously, how difficult was it to move this morning?

It wasn't that I wanted to stay in bed, exactly, it was just that getting out of bed, moving through my morning ritual, even getting myself working required conscious effort. So I am very partial to the "new muscles" interpretation of the reading. And I am grateful for another week to practice. Because I for one have had a few new things either come in or open up.

We are always influenced by outside forces. Always. Even the song we hear faintly in the distance sets up a response in our brains. We react to thing automatically all the time. It's the conscious reactions which take work. And though it feels like we're (I'm) making the choice over and over to move forward in XYZ, I wonder if I'm (we're?) actually trying to wimp out. After all, if I sit down and meditate over my choices yet again, I won't have to actually do anything. And my muscles won't be so sore. Right?

Well, I hear that the best, true way to keep your muscles from being sore is to use them until they are strong enough to do the work. If I sit yet another day, that would be like starting over. And I don't want to start over. I want to keep going. My body isn't a temple, my body is a workhorse. So is my mind. And my spirit. We are most energized when we're doing. 

So, today I may be doing a little slower. But I'm still gonna be doing. And not at all watching that clock, counting my breaths until I get to officially take a break. Not at all.

I hope you have a great week,


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

LIR 9915 Weekly - Perthro

Perthro is about outside influences - they flow toward us; they happen all around us. And we have no control over them.

Perthro this week is specifically about influences from the past… more like ripples. The butterfly's wings have flapped, the pebble has dropped in the pond, and the effects are now reaching our shores. We still have no control over it.

Perthro, as you can see in the picture,
kind of resembles a cup, lain on its side. In this case, we can think of ourselves as the cup. The energies, ripples, wing flaps, are rolling towards us, rushing to fill the cup. And, again, we have no control over these energies.

Until they are ours.

Once the energy, the influence, the result of whatever past action rolls into your personal bubble and becomes part of your reality, you have plenty of choices!

How are you going to act, once you know what's going on? Are you going to block the energy, neutralize the energy, accept the energy, use the energy, pass it on?

Let's look at it this way. A box arrives at your doorstep. This is the outside influence. Obviously, it's a past influence, for the box was sent (or ordered) a few days ago. You decide to open the box. Or not. You decide to bring the box into your home. Or not. You decide to keep what's in the box. Or not. You decide to use what's in the box. Or not.

Let's say it's clothes in the box and, in your opinion, they're too ugly to wear. Do you wear them? Return them? Donate them? Stuff them in the back of your closet? Pull out the sewing machine, the bedazzler, and the dye packets?

Let's say, in your opinion, the clothes are perfect! Do you wear them? Return them? Donate them? Stuff them in the back of your closet? Pull out the sewing machine, the bedazzler, and the dye packets?

Stuff is going to come in. We have no control of the influences, ripples, responses, energies flowing toward us. We can control what we receive, what we keep. And we can definitely control what we do with the gifts that arrive upon those ripples.


This one was difficult to interpret. There's so much trepidation, for me, around other people's choices. I expect part of this is because I have learned a distrust of the human powers' that be. After all, any good story has to have something to struggle against, doesn't it? And oh, the bad guys we have created for our heroic journeys.

So I think I am going to practice changing that perception. For example, I know I'm not the only hopeful, bright-eyed, optimist who believes in unicorns. I know many people have at least one of those traits.

I also know that many people strive to become a power for the express purpose of affecting the world in a positive, hopeful, unicorn friendly fashion.

So I am going to practice believing in those energies, the bright shiny energies. If the government, and the world, is made up of humans (which, yes, is also a belief system), then i am going to make my "Vote" in the energetic world and support the positive. I am going to believe in fairies and other supposed mythical creatures like honest politicians and CEO's who work for and with their employees. And by this belief, this support, I am going to help create more!

And, yeah, I am going to color all of the ripples that come my way with my rainbow marker even before I decide what to do with them.

It sounds flighty, I understand. That's because I do like sparkles. But, really, what it is, is love. A deep, connected with everything, accepting everything, awesome love. It does require practice to stay aware of (hence the rainbow markers), but it's the most influential power I know. 

I hope you have a great and positively influential week!