Okay, okay. But the pressure of passing time is a hard one to resist dramatizing!
And it's difficult to know, sometimes, if the pressure is an actual - um, you need to get this done! versus the - go, go, go, faster, faster, faster general feeling of the current pack mind.
I do feel that things are moving faster; that the inertia of traumatic change has become the wave of reaction. And it's pretty easy to get swept along.
But, still and always, no matter what's going on around me, the things I need to know, need to achieve, have to do with MY situation and not anyone else's. Running just to stay in place is counter productive if I don't want to be in a specific place at all. And if I focus on the time it's going to take, or the time that has passed, I won't be focusing on the situation itself, and it may never be resolved to my satisfaction.
Now, the rune itself was very far off the mat... it rolled across the table, over the edge, and might have continued if it hadn't gotten tangled in computer cords. Which means this is a deep, deep compulsion the Universe just wanted us to be aware of. Which explains why I don't really have anything concrete to use as an interpretation for yesterday.
Or maybe the important part for me is that the rune did get tangled in computer cords. Because in this job search, and knowing how quickly technology changes, maybe I fear, deep deep down, that I am not smart enough, agile enough to keep up with the "improvements".
And perhaps it's all irrelevant... the why, and what do I fear. The important part, as usual, is the focus of the situation, the job, the truth, the accomplishment of happiness. Not the time it takes to get there, but the goal, every day, of stepping toward it. Of putting energy into it. Of letting achievement be the pressure instead of strictures of time and space.
LIR 8114 - WunjoR
Today is about what you can do for yourself. It’s not about the clan or family, regardless of how you love them.
Do it for yourself.
I hope you have a great day!
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