As usual, I remembered one part of the reading, and not the rest. Which is fine. I assume there are different relevant parts for different people.
Yesterday, I was tired. And counting calories. So the reading, for me, took on the simple meaning of let your job feed you. After some thoughtful time in the reading portion of my work, I went into retail.
On one hand, it did feed me. we were busy busy (end of a coupon, a register on a fritz). So busy people didn't take their breaks at the appointed time. So busy, I didn't even notice I was very hungry until I made some silly little mistake. (Quick analyzation, attention wandering, oh! I'm grumpy. Oh. I'm hungry.) So, as I had to wait for my break, I tried to let the activities, and flow of movement and work, even whatever extra energy there was hanging around feed me and energize me.
I assume it worked, as my mood did not deteriorate. And even better, a co-worker who is highly exuberant came in for the end of my shift, so her up beat mood helped me reach one also.
But when I finally reached home, I was soooooooooo tired. And achy. All plans to do anything productive were out the window.
This morning I reread the post and realized I did do what it suggested. For what do I expend energy at the retail store? For money. What does the money get me? A beautiful comfy place in which to rest and watch tv and relax. I didn't realize it at the time; I was busy being grumpy about the pain and deciding to go to bed early, but I did partake of what my work brings me. I did use the benefits I and my Significant Other provide. Enjoy may not be the best word, but I certainly am glad of it now!
LIR 63014 - Eihwaz
Today is about balance. What worlds, realities, needs are you balancing? Is it working?
I hope you have a great day!
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