LaguzR is implying we'll get a chance to do something, but it's not going to be the big rush of a grand opening we might think we want.
Laguz itself is about that rush - being carried away by the force of the birth; being swept along once things have begun. But LaguzR says nope, not this week.
This could mean that this is another week of making sure we have everything in order; of practicing our steps and creating more product.But I feel LaguzR pertains more to the start - saying it will be slow, but it definitely will be. We will have time to practice as we begin our takeoff. Time to correct the position of our wings. Time to jump out of the plane and run back and get one more tool. Time to use the restroom. Time to make sure all of our thoughts are aligned, and we're happy with our course.
With LaguzR being in Fire this may feel especially relevant for the creative parts of our projects. This week, this slow start, could be a creative step. A slow step. A small step. Not the leap, not the flight, not the rushing downhill. But a step, finally a step, towards our awesome future.
Happily, since we're stepping slowly and surely, we'll be able to see more possibilities, make choices in line with our truths, not feel pressured by anything other than our own desire to release our gifts into the world.
LaguzR in Fire. A slow start is a good start. A slow start gives us time to practice and place our steps carefully, so that when we are running, rushing, flying, we will do so with confidence.
Ready, set, walk!
Oh, I am amazed at how things flow, one into another. How one practice can influence ten different events in a day. And those events influence the next week, which influences another practice.
The connectivity is astounding. And easy to miss, especially when I'm revving to go.
Happily, I actually believe I am grateful for the slow steps. However much I am wishing to be in the thick of things, I know that I am still practicing my decision making processes; and that I work best and most happily when I am doing one thing at a time.
But I am also grateful that there is finally a step. There is only so much one can plan, or do, without an audience or client or agent, or whatever and whoever is the next step to bringing creativity to life. When two cymbals crash together, the vibration is not a sound until it interacts with eardrums.
On a side note, I also feel like I've done this reading before. Which would bother me, a little, except I know things go in stages also. Stop and start. It's all forward movement, as long as the intent is growth.
I hope you have a great day!