A day to practice our truths, with no special emphasis.

But, if you need something to ponder, try this. What symbols do you want to represent you? Around which flags do you wish to gather?
Yesterday was actually a day of review. I had a good talk with a friend, to help reestablish some of my thought processes, good food, and some productivity in the writing department. So. A good day.
I don't know if I gave much thought to the symbolism thing per se. I did have a day dream or two about travelling to writers' conferences on a leer jet with a patron/ teacher/ publisher person. Would the leer jet be the symbol? Actually, it might, as it signifies the wealth, the freedom and the travel.
Hmm. I want to be a member of the jet set?
LIR 22814 - No rune & Othilo
Another day of review, practice, perhaps a little relaxation - with contemplation brought to you by Othilo.
How have family values & traditions influenced your current truths? Are they compatible? Divergent? Still part of the same "family"?
I hope you have a great day!