Wednesday, January 29, 2014

LIR 12814 OthiloR very off the cloth

Yes, it's possible you missed something today.  So stop and check your work.  Then move on. Don't let the fear of mistakes be the driving factor today.


This one, it turns out, is easy.  As a bookkeeper, tax season is upon us.  (Well, tax season is upon everyone.)  And yes, it does actually last longer than the holiday season.  As soon as the 1st of January hits, there's a scramble for rule books and tax forms and lost receipts.

Yesterday was one of those days of getting tax things prepped and submitted.  And I have to ask, why does it have to be this convoluted?  "Why?" she yells in classic arms to heaven pose.

So.  I did take a deep breath, made sure I had done the things I needed to do, yesterday.  And I told myself, as I walked away from the desk and the computer, well, if I made a mistake I'll find out soon enough.

Here's to believing that knowing how to read and follow directions is enough to survive mentally.

LIR 12914 RaidoR

Want to go, go, go?  Wait a moment.  Is it the desire for movement, or the readiness to take the next step which compels you?

I hope you have a great day!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

LIR 12714 MannazR

Things may feel off kilter today, and attention is pulled to one side.  Is it because that side needs more attention?  Or do you prefer to focus on the other side to restore the balance?

 I did less work yesterday than I would have liked, but I really enjoyed my rest times.  I did, obviously, do the rune readings.  And I managed to get some writing done.  But, I didn't do any bookkeeping work yesterday, and now I feel like I'm pushing myself and berating myself because of it.

Or maybe it's simply the push of productivity is back today.  Do do do!  Which is wonderful.  However, that's no reason to jump on my past self with both feet.  I enjoyed the time I wasn't feeling the push.  And it did make me very happy, to lollygag a little.  I didn't sit down and read a whole book all at once... sigh.  Which shows me I did accomplish things yesterday.  And yes, I do consider interacting with others an accomplishment *G*.

So, to sum up, the imbalance was the lack of logic and "practical" work.  (though I did get 1 load of laundry done.)  Yesterday I was happy with my choices; today I am feeling a little panicked.

But, what do we say?  There are no mistakes.

I was happy.  So.  Yay me.  Now I can just get off my back.

LIR 12814 OthiloR very off the cloth

Yes, it's possible you missed something today.  So stop and check your work.  Then move on. Don't let the fear of mistakes be the driving factor today.

I hope you have a great day!


Monday, January 27, 2014

LIR 12514 Berkano & MannazR

It's okay to be emotional, impatient, exuberant in our nurturing today.  To be human is to be passionate (& occasionally pissed off.)

I did keep this reading in mind through my day, as I interacted with others.  Trying to remind myself I didn't have to just sit aside and let others vent; I could put in my two cents of truth.  But instead it seemed to come down to my body putting its two cents in.

By the end of the day, all I wanted was to stare at the television and whine a little about how poorly I felt.  Which is a big no-no, in vocabulary terms.  But, the truth was i didn't want to play anymore.  So, when my partner suggested I take a day off from electronics (which in essence meant not to any work at all), my first thought was - phhssshhhhttt.  How dare he think he knows what's wrong with me?  (and yeah, my second thought was, but how do I take a day off without television, e-reader, or video games?)

Then I thought, since taking health advice from him would be the exact opposite of what I normally do, maybe Berkano and MannazR are saying I should listen.  The epitome of cranky nurturing?

So yesterday I had an interesting day NOT using any of my electronic communications devices.  It was rough, I must say.  These days I don't even write unless I'm sure it's going onto the Sky Drive; because Fates Forbid I should lose one precious scrap of wisdom that falls from my ears.  And today is more of a day I'd like to take off.  After all, the washing machine isn't working, so that's a sign to take it easy, right?  So, I don't quite know if I "applied the reading correctly".  Shrug.

Interestingly, MannazR is showing again today.  Makes me wonder....


LIR 12714  MannazR

Things may feel off kilter today, and attention is pulled to one side.  Is it because that side needs more attention?  Or do you prefer to focus on the other side to restore the balance?

I hope you have a great day!


Saturday, January 25, 2014

LIR 12414- HagalazR

It may feel like there's a storm on the horizon, but it's nothing more than hot air.  "Enhance your calm" and keep moving forward at your own steady pace.  Some people need to vent, yes, but there's no need to get sucked into drama that's not your own.


I don't know if this was relevant in my life yesterday.  Or no more than usual, as I am trying to let other people keep their own drama.

But I did use it this morning, before meditation.  Because of the Ogham card I pulled for myself, I was expecting some life changing, big revelation from this morning's meditation, so I was considering postponing my meditation until I'd done the general rune reading - so as not to confuse my stuff with others'.  But, I remembered HagalazR and thought, well, maybe it won't be such a transition.  So I meditated.

And true enough, my mental journey was not so shattering.  Maybe I'm in a place now where I can accept information about myself and my journey without it being a huge drama.  Rather like receiving another assignment or learning a new dance move or adding harmony to something.  Or being told I've spelt the word wrong.  Again.

No drama, just something new to practice.


LIR 12514  Berkano & MannazR

It's okay to be emotional, impatient, exuberant in our nurturing today.  To be human is to be passionate (& occasionally pissed off.)

I hope you have a great day!


Friday, January 24, 2014

LIR 12214 - Eihwaz (Off in Fire)

Why is this happening?  Maybe you're the energetic bridge between two disparate worlds.  Is this a happy thing, in your truth, or a frustrating one?  You choose - to continue, or to cut it off.

The day of this rune, I went to bed thinking, huh.  Nothing really happened to make me feel like a bridge.

When I woke up, all I wanted to do was nothing.  Nothing at all.  I was drained and dragging and tired.

So maybe, underneath, hidden away, I was being an energetic bridge to or for something or someone.   Or multiple things. At least I know it wouldn't have happened without my permission, on some level, so it was for my greatest and highest good.  

But boy did it crimp my plans yesterday.  Instead of working industriously on my taxes, I watched Sex and the City.  And ate soup.  Yum.  Oh, and rediscovered fried egg sandwiches. Also yum.  Which surely must also have been for the best, right?

So.  We'll see what this day brings.

LIR 12414 HagalazR

It may feel like there's a storm on the horizon, but it's nothing more than hot air.  "Enhance your calm" and keep moving forward at your own steady pace.  Some people need to vent, yes, but there's no need to get sucked into drama that's not your own.

I hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

12114 - RaidoR, BerkanoR

There may not be forward movement today, but that doesn't mean take a day off.  Keep engaged in your goals.  Housekeeping is productive too.


Hello.  Since the reading 12014 was basically "go forth and keep doing", I didn't feel there was much interpretive comparison to discuss.  So, we're starting with yesterday's reading, posted above.

This reading kept me going, at least into the evening.  And it was difficult; yesterday was a cranky day, and not just for me.  But moving, doing, putting one foot in front of the other, helped me feel pretty proud today.

In fact, I would say perhaps the reading wasn't totally accurate.  Because I kept working, moving, and literally doing housework, I actually garnered some energy and made some progress on my next "Meandering" blog.  So, to me, there was movement -- though I imagine one could argue whether the revision of a written piece is actually movement, or if the only movement comes from the posting/ publishing.  Shrug.  My perspective says it doesn't matter.  Energy put in is what's important.


LIR 12214 Eihwaz (Off in Fire)

Why is this happening?  Maybe you're the energetic bridge between two disparate worlds.  Is this a happy thing, in your truth, or a frustrating one?  You choose - to continue, or to cut it off.

I hope you have a great day!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

LIR 11614 HagalazR

No storm today, so if you're prepping for a transition, you have more time.  Focus on the things (physical, emotional, mental) you definitely want to take with you - strengthen & secure them.  And breathe.


These last few days, the meaning of HagalazR was slightly different for me than interpreted.  
This week we had a memorial to celebrate the lives of two family members who have died.  One of those we were remembering was my mom.  

I ended up, somehow, as the event coordinator.

And many people had RSVP'd.

In the past, my method of operation tended to be what one could politely call scattered, possibly even frantic.  Kind of like running just to stay in place.  And it usually ended with frayed nerves, tempers and hurt feelings.  Nothing tests communication skills like party prep.

But HagalazR said, "it doesn't have to be like that."  It doesn't have to be a storm of emotion, it doesn't have to be "sound and fury".  It doesn't have to be a huge, traumatic event.  I had my lists; I had my prep schedule.  I knew what I wanted to have done and  I knew what I hoped the final presentation would look like and I knew (though I had to remind myself often) that the final result would not match the "perfect" picture in my head and that was fine!  I even knew that I had to be decisive and not spend half the time looking for approval from others.

I did not need to have a storm of running around and barking orders and little tiffs in the corner.  I just needed to be calm.  To know that in the end, what would be would be.  And, most importantly, to focus on one thing at a time, which is not easy when there a people begging to be helpful.  Wanting to be included?  Asking questions and needing direction and getting in the way.  It is often easier to do than try and describe what to do.  

But, again, instead of making it a production, instead of giving into the whirlwind of energy, I breathed.  I said, just a moment, finished my current thought or project, and then I moved on.

Not to say a little excitement and nerves aren't a part of party prep.  Adrenaline is very useful!  But I much preferred the feeling of accomplishment from yesterday's party - a nice quiet glow, instead of a list of terrors and frustrations.  I am grateful to all the helpers.  I am grateful to me for being part of the solution, and I am so grateful to HagalazR for the reminder that it doesn't need to be a storm.


LIR 11914  Nothing

No rune.  No advice.  No special focus.  Just breathe.  Be true.  Maybe relax a little.  And I hope you have a great day!


Thursday, January 16, 2014

LIR 11414 - Kunos off the cloth

That underlying anxiety?  The feeling of pressure?  That could be the fear or the hope of too many choices.  Put the anxiety aside and focus on the truths of today.  YOUR truths.  Deep breath, and, go!

I remember at the time of posting this reading, I knew exactly what my fear of choices was.  I don't remember now, but I do remember what I did.

I breathed.

Regardless of the availability of choices, the multitude of possibilities for the future, or even the fear that today's choice is going to negate possible better choices, there is only one thing to do.  Keep moving forward.  One step at a time.  And repeat the mantra - what is for my best and highest good, what will make me happy, is what is going to be.  And the only way I can truly achieve that is to be me, myself, to the best of my ability.

That is my truth.  Each and every day.


LIR 11614  HagalazR

No storm today, so if you're prepping for a transition, you have more time.  Focus on the things (physical, emotional, mental) you definitely want to take with you - strengthen & secure them.  And breathe.

I hope you have a great day!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

LIR 11314 - PerthroR

Yes, your news if life changing!  Keep going!  Ride that wave of energy to further production.  You'll have even more to celebrate later.


This one may have been speaking directly to me, so I hope it was beneficial to you as well.

I received good news yesterday, and it was so tempting to follow the old pattern of celebrating with some downtime; just drop all my projects and read a book.

But really, the news received was just the first step in the process.  There's so much more to do. In fact, because of the news, there is now a deadline for all those other things to get accomplished.

So tomorrow, the day I was planning to take as a day of rest, will be soon enough to sit and relax and relish my future possibilities.  Today (and yesterday) there's plenty of work that really would like my focus.

('Course, I did take five minutes to dance around the room.  *G*  There's gotta be SOME celebration.)


LIR 11414 - Kunos off the cloth

That underlying anxiety?  The feeling of pressure?  That could be the fear or the hope of too many choices.  Put the anxiety aside and focus on the truths of today.  YOUR truths.  Deep breath, and, go!

I hope you have a great day!

Monday, January 13, 2014

LIR 1214 - Eihwaz

Today is a day to step back and view the bigger picture; how can you balance your truths with the truths of another - be it another person, or you from another time?


I have been married and/or in a partner relationship with one person for more than 20 years.  Such a length of time creates patterns.  One person rubs off on the other.  It creates ways of thinking and feeling that you (or I) might not otherwise have thought or felt.

It also creates a sense of one-ship.  Two become one.  The eternal and sometimes annoying "we" of the couple.  Which means, one member of the couple often assumes her/his feelings and preferences do belong to "we".  But this is not always the case.

Last night I bridge the truths between myself and my husband by asking a question.  Just one question.  And I found out his answer was not the same as mine.

  I want to travel, possibly even move out of state.
  He doesn't.

This is where the hunter steps in.  This is where we take a step back from the needs and desires (and devastating shock) of the moment, and take a good long look at the whole world view.  This is where I look at what I think I want, and what I think he wants, and build a bridge between.

Moving out of state is probably out of the question, though... having a second home somewhere might be acceptable.

I can travel wherever and whenever I want.  By myself.

I can get a job that requires me to travel.

And he can create a happy little nest for me to return to.  After all, though I secretly enjoy laundry and I do have the occasional clean fanaticism (usually right before rituals), I am not a happy homemaker.

The trick is not to view the situation as rigid, but as fluid.  Like the sand pictures.  This picture looks lovely, but that color doesn't really want to be there.  So what if we tilt the picture, and send the color over here?  Huh.  That looks pretty cool also!

LIR 11314 - PerthroR

Yes, your news if life changing!  Keep going!  Ride that wave of energy to further production.  You'll have even more to celebrate later.

I hope you have a great day!


Sunday, January 12, 2014

LIR 1714  Jera

Yay!  More production from actions taken in the past!  And also a reminder.  Our actions today create harvest for the future.

It's been a week, so I can't say I remember everything that was harvested.  But here is the thought that strikes me now, that has been relevant through the last week.

Every action, every thought, every single decision brings a harvest of consequences.  And we train ourselves and others with those actions and reactions.

For one example, we set up an appointment to view an apartment.  There was a choice of Sunday or Monday to view.  I chose Sunday because I factored in past behaviors & preferences like time getting off of work, how we drive, weekend versus weekday traffic.  The weather may not be optimal, but it's a good thing to know also - what the drive is like in uncertain weather.  All of these decisions are harvests from past actions.  Learning experiences.

Every single day we do and try and we file away all the feelings and responses we receive from our six senses to create a harvest for the next time we do and try.  It is not just others we receive harvest from, it is ourselves.  How do we treat ourselves if something we don't like happens?  How do we reward ourselves and for what?  What little things do we do that we think are being strong, and are really just punishing?  what other things do we do simply because they make us happy?

Another example, in my case, is back to the food and health thing.  Because we watch tv while we eat dinner, eating is a natural act while watching television.  So when I wake up and realize I've eaten too much, I have to look back not at the meals, but at the things I've consumed because by body thinks I'm hungry when I watch tv.

Every action brings a harvest of consequences.  this is good to know, because it means I am totally in control.

LIR 11214 - Eihwaz

Today is a day to step back and view the bigger picture; how can you balance your truths with the truths of another - be it another person, or you from another time?

I hope you have a great day!


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

1414 - Wunjo on it's side (yes, really)

Today you may have something to celebrate.  Do you wish to share with your clan?  Or keep it close a little while longer?

Well, over the last few days (I think it's been 3?) I have had events, feelings about which to communicate.  And some I did share with my vast clan (ie- Facebook); some I "shared" with my close clan.  And some I shared with just my person.

Part of the decision, for me, over what to share, had to do with personal goals.  Talking about things is good, because there is something purging about speaking things out loud.  And sometimes, discussing things helps put it into a shape, a possibility, it cannot achieve inside my head.   But talking about something also seems to diminish its impact on myself. I keep it's importance by keeping it a secret.

I also find I have jealousy or possession issues.  I don't want to compare and contrast my feelings with another person...  their feelings are just as valid as mine, but I want to feel unique and alone, sometimes, for a while.  My feelings.  My celebration.  My trauma.  Mine, mine, mine.

I've also found it is more and more difficult to describe the feelings.  The usual words... happy, sad, excited, scared, driven...  they are small words compared to what I feel.  I now understand why some cultures reportedly have a thousand words for snow.  I need a word for that calm moment of rejection when it's actually not only okay, but expected and I know it's the best thing for everyone concerned but I still feel a little sad but mostly I am greatly excited about the future.

So, yes, I have been on the fence about a lot of communication & communal celebrations these last few days.  Have you?


LIR 1714  Jera

Yay!  More production from actions taken in the past!  And also a reminder.  Our actions today create harvest for the future.

I hope you have a great day!


Saturday, January 4, 2014

1214 - Eihwaz in Air

You may be the person in the middle when it comes to communication or inspiration.  The trick (besides that deep breath)is to know what is needed, what is important for the truth of the moment; and what can (or must) wait for another day.


I think the person I was mediating for was myself.  Trying to translate information from my body.

someone told me recently that 2014 is the year of the horse.  So, I am thinking of my body as a horse.  And somewhere in me, there is a horse whisperer, who can tell me whether that twinge is a growing pain or a muscle cramp, whether that tingling is excitement or nausea, whether that tightness is heartburn, breathing problems, or a heart issue.  I know all of this information.  It is my body.  I just need to figure out how to communicate with it.

And better, how to successfully and happily respond.  Sometimes a deep breath is not the answer, sitting down is.  Sometimes going faster may actually be the right course.  I have practiced enough, yes?  It's time to step up the game.

Which means it's time to put my knowledge to use.  And to trust what I think is the answer.  Antacid or nitro pill?  Meditation or exercise?  Paying attention to the feeling, or resolutely put it away because it's utter, self-defeating nonsense?  Make a choice.  And, if I make a mistake, well, I'll know quickly enough and I'll fix it.  And next time I'll know better.

It did work today, actually.  I successfully talked myself out of a frantic worry scenario, and remembered past events where the feeling was just self-restraining anxiety.  Huh.  Yay me!  (I will admit I am using the Ogham cards to help guide me.  So far, they have been very helpful on an emotional level.)

And now, onto the new day!


1414 - Wunjo on it's side.  (yes really.)

Today you may have something to celebrate.  Do you wish to share with your clan?  Or keep it close a little while longer?

I hope you have a great day!


Friday, January 3, 2014

January 2014

as seen in the Spirit Wise newsletter

The rune for January is Kunos (also known as Kano, cen, kaunaz, kenaz)

It's fitting that Kunos be the rune for January, the time many people make resolutions to improve themselves and their worlds.  Kunos is about possibilities, the choices we make, our individual personal decision about where to shine our light, where to invest our passion, what to create.

This month, Kunos tells us let all of your hopes and dreams be possible.  Don't just put the probable goals on your list, add everything you want.  From the lifestyle change to the lottery win, from the communication with exotic beings to the clean carpet.  Many of these may not manifest, due to timing, or lack of attention.  Some are just fun day dreams; some are seeds of ideas that will be passions next year.  But let the limits come later, as your attention and desires focus in on specific dreams.  For January, lay it all out and see what you really think you might want to be interested in.

Kunos tells us this also.  The progress of our dreams, our successes, is not measured by another's accomplishments, nor by their opinions.  Our deeds are not diminished because someone else is also doing it, has done it first, has done it differently.  The passion and the fire for each dream comes from each person; so the result, the art, the success of your dream is unique and all yours.  Whether it's the clean carpet or the lottery win.

Kunos, fire and air.  Dream big, dream large.  Anything is possible.  May the dream(s) that feed us be the ones that flourish.

I hope you have a great month!


Thursday, January 2, 2014

123013 DagazR

Today is a day to keep moving ahead, no judgements or analysis.  One step in front of the other, slow and steady, with a deep breath in between.  Make sure each step is finished before you move on, but don't stop to critique.


Well, if I remember correctly, I failed to follow the guidance of this rune and thus was less productive than I could have been.

One of the things on my perpetual list of things to do is the Living Will.  Many things about lingering under the house arrest of medical care scare me, the least of which is the bills that could pile up.  Between the medical tv dramas and personal experience, I know that I believe, at least philosophically, against certain procedures and practices.  So, yes, a Living Will makes good sense.  At least I've put my two sense into my own care; I will make my choice known to the community around me.

But working on one's Living Will, especially with a guide like the Five Wishes (a pamphlet by Aging with Dignity), brings a lot of analysis.  Or at least contemplation.  

Much of the pamphlet makes statements you either keep or cross out.  Now, on one hand, the advice of DagazR was very approspo; just keep or cross as feels right and don't linger too long analyzing all the pros and cons.  It's a good way to get to know yourself.

But some of the statements offended my sense of, shrug, belief?  Daily Purpose?  Humanity?  Why is that at death, we suddenly wish to make everything right?  Force peace in our name?  Forgive when we couldn't in life?  This inner outrage led to some inner contemplation.  Then some outer discussion.  And of course, it being the end of the year, it also led to some soul searching.  Was there anything I wanted to "fix, correct, resolve"?  And if so, why hadn't I already fixed, corrected or resolved in accordance with my beliefs and personal truths?

So, that was the end of the slow and steady steps.

Maybe that's why I keep putting off working on my Living Will.  It's much more work than just writing down what I want.

One humorous moment, though.   One of the statements to keep or cross: "If I show signs of depression, nausea, shortness of breath, or hallucinations, I want my caregivers to do whatever they can to help me."  Like hallucinations is a bad thing?  I hope that by the time I reach the end of my life I'm able to manifest my "hallucinations" so everyone can see the spirits and guides and friends around me!  So there.   Will those caregivers help me with that?

Well, I guess that's why I need to pick the right ones now, hmm?

1114 - Eihwaz in Air
You may be the person in the middle when it comes to communication or inspiration.  The trick (besides that deep breath)is to know what is needed, what is important for the truth of the moment; and what can (or must) wait for another day.

I hope you have a great day!