The rune for November is OthiloR.
Othilo is the rune of the ancestors; and since it is November, you’re probably thinking “well, it doesn't take a psychic to tell me that!”
But this Othilo is reversed, much as we might wish otherwise.
As we pass through the dark time, it would be easy to turn our attention to the past and to our loved ones who have died. It would be easy to lose ourselves in the worlds of “used to be”. It would also be easy to lose ourselves in the “might have beens", for November can be a time to relive our unmanifested fears.
So let us keep our thoughts and our focus on the here and now. Let us be the light for each other and ourselves. Let us see the "Yay! You are here and I am here!" Let us move confidently toward the sun's birth. Let the past, as it happened and as it didn’t, remain at rest.
OthiloR. We can stay right here, in this time and this place, and concentrate on now. Our beloved dead are at hand if needed, cheering us forward.
I hope you have a great month!
Othilo is also seen as: Othila, ethel, Othala, Odal, and Othalo