Thursday, January 28, 2016

LIR for Aquarius Moon - Dagaz (off the mat)

If you're like me, you're feeling a little frantic right about now. You have all these plans and desires and needs; and you're not sure how and where and when; and every time you look up from your work you feel driven and rushed and completely ineffective.

And that's what Dagaz is here to talk about.

Dagaz is the rune of doorways, of time, of finishing one story before beginning another.
Dagaz' position off the mat means that the drive we're feeling, the rushing of time, is as much about the fear or hope of time's passing as it about time actually passing.

And if we're aware of that undercurrent, we can stop the inner panic.

Because Dagaz is not about letting time bully us. Time does pass, it's true. It's a fact of life. Look, there it goes.

But look at what we have done as that time has passed. We have breathed. We have chosen. We have experienced. We have grown. We have learned.

In fact, let us take some precious moments to really look at all we have done. Let us pause in our frantic rush to appreciate what we have accomplished. To acknowledge what was never done. To look at our lives, and our hopes, and our fears, and say, Okay. This is where I am today.

Because as we look at what we have done, and what we wish to do, we celebrate ourselves. We give past selves their proper due. And we see clearly the foundation on which we are going to build our future choices.

Dagaz - Understanding that the tick tock of the world clock is ringing in the back of your head, give yourself space and time to view your story. Then it will be time to step through the next door - unrushed, unhurried, and untrammeled by the celebrated past.

I hope you have a great month!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

LIR 11916 Weekly - Jera

"Do you believe the work is equal
 to the harvest you desire?"

What a loaded question.

If you're like me, the answer seems to be "What work?" With a lot of exclamation points.

Yes, I know the general feel of the harvest I'm working for, believing in, manifesting. I see it in the distance - a cozy cottage with trees and twinkly lights and a babbling brook. My favorite steed munching contentedly in it's own cozy place, and easy connection to all the people I love.
Or a grand store, where I can wake up in the morning and wander downstairs to do my writing in between clients and customers and random people pulled in by the atmosphere. My peeps are everywhere. My favorite steed is there too, and sometimes turns into a leer jet so I can travel to exotic places and write about them for the delight of my soul. There are classes and singing and knick-knacks and a veranda.

I can feel this. I can see it. I know I have the skills to BE it.

But between me and the cottage / store / castle of dreams is a misty expanse of nothingness. Just fog. Thick, heavy, clinging, dragging fog. Like in a video game, where the next part of the map isn't revealed until you finish all the quests on this part of the map.

And I have no idea how to clear the fog. I don't know what quests are due. I am running from screen to screen, pushing buttons and searching trunks, and nothing is working. And I can't seem to access my hints.

So, to answer the question, the work I am doing is NOT equal to the harvest. It seems to have nothing to do with the harvest. It feels like I'm spinning my wheels.

Yesterday a path-partner advised, "Just stop and step away." As in, stop stomping on the gas if I'm not getting anywhere. Stop running from screen to screen. Stop trying to figure out the fog. Quit trying to get across, or through.

Maybe sit down and have a cup of tea. Read a book. Finish my to do list - okay, start my to do list. It may not feel like it's attached to the harvest, but it is work that needs to be done. And there is still work which brings me happiness - like writing, and reading runes, and laundry.

And maybe that's the real answer. Just keep doing the happy. I know it's the answer I'm supposed to say, as a happiness practitioner. It's the answer that resonates, even though I have no idea how it will get me through, over, under, or around the fog. It's the answer I'm resisting because I CAN'T see how it will bring me to my dream.

But wheel spinning , as time consuming as it is, isn't working. It doesn't bring happiness either. And it's wasting gas.

So maybe if I focus on the happiness, the working of it will transport me directly to the next screen.

Because work that brings me joy is the only work that is equal to, worthy of, the twinkly Cottage Store and the Marvelous Steed and My People.

I don't know. It doesn't feel like the whole truth, but it feels like today's step. It'll be interesting to see what happens tomorrow.

I hope you have a great day.


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

LIR 10516 - Self

The rune for this week isn't actually a rune - it's the marker I use for the Self.

Sometimes in a reading, the self rune comes onto the table to tell you where exactly you are in the morass of information and influences. It can be helpful, to see what the current circumstances are built upon, and to see what is in the rearview mirror, even if the ripples are still being felt.

But today, this week, it's not so much about the journey. It's about our perception.

Perhaps this is a New Year's thing. We look around, as we get come out of our holiday comas, and we see with fresh eyes the routines and habits that take up our day. We see what we represent, and we see what we're associated with.

Is this where we want to be?

The important thing about Self is... it's not about what anyone else thinks - of you, of your morals or ethics, your beliefs, your actions.
It's all about what you think.

Are you happy where you are? Do you want more, do you want less? Do you want green instead of blue, or burnt orange instead of cotton candy pink?

The question may have a positive answer - Yes! I am exactly where I want to be! It feels a little wobbly, and I might pass out later, but I'm where I want to be.
Yay! Congratulations.

The question may have a negative answer - No! I am not where I want to be.
 It's possible.
This does not mean we need to jump right up and rip through our lives making changes. No.

This reading is simply about awareness. Asking the question. Seeing the answer. Accepting the answer.

After knowledge is accepted, we can then choose to act, or not act.
Definately Not REact.

And for most of us, it's going to be a mix of yes and no. Or yeses mingled with fear of future no, because of the wobbling. And no mixed with hopeful yeses, because we see our way toward the happiness.

Excellent. It's all good. Really. Because, again, it's just about being aware.

So congratulations to you, whatever the answer. Congratulations to us. Because we just took a good look at ourselves - and that, I think, is one of the most challenging things a person can do.

I hope you have a great day!