Monday, March 30, 2015

LIR 33015 - RaidoR

What is it that's not moving forward? Do you want it to be moving? Perhaps today's a good day to focus on that.

Alternatively, it might just be a day of little movement in any department. It may be a good day to not try and push forward.


Today was not about transportation, for me, or not as i expected. My car had her 3 month treatment with no issues. And we did actually leave the house today.

And, after checking my to do list, I found I had made progress on everything I wanted to. I confirmed a singing lesson, received an email regarding writers' group, and purchased tickets for Beltania. All forward movement.

Even the one place that hasn't really shown public connection (happiness guide / coach) had some movement today. But that was the most difficult type of movement. So, perhaps, for me, today's movement focus was about what type of movement or, even better, vehicle of movement. Um, in what forms, attitude, am I able to move comfortably? Something... let's move (ha, ha) into the metaphor portion.

Much of my inner focus these days has been on accepting my body type. Which is round. (I am almost able to say it without that weird determined voice.) Even when I was at my "ideal weight for my height" (for approx 30 seconds the 1st week of college) I was round. Round face. Round fingers. Round calves. Round thighs. Round hair. Lots of it. (yay!) 

Yet, I've never thought of myself as round, perhaps because many of my role models and colleagues, heck, family, were more rectangle than round. (And this discovery is a subject for another post (or set of them.)).  I was dressing, expecting to see, and even dancing, walking, sitting as if I was rectangle instead of round, because that was what I saw. Retraining my habits has been very interesting.

For coaching, I have been having similair issues - trying to put on the hat or shoes of "THE GUIDE", and then stumbling around for awhile until I managed to find what fit me. 

For example, when I am wish to offer counsel, but I'm not sure what to say, I slip on the guide boots. (they're brown, leather, very good for hiking through forests.) "I am a happiness guide" (can you see the self important head wiggle?). "Let me lead you out of the slough of despair." I step forward confidently, trip, and fall on my face.

Next! Heels (cuz I am a woman.)? Loafers? Army boots! 

I continue to try on different shoes (metaphysically) until I find my footing - which usually ends us as my comfy slippers, in which I am able be me, which is where all my truths lie, anyway.

In short, one can't move easily when one is trying to be a thing, or act like someone else. One can only move forward as oneself.

The army boots are kind of fun, though. I do keep a virtual pair in my closet, next to the bazooka. For when gentle words don't really get anything moving. *G*

I hope you had a great day!

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