Wednesday, August 19, 2015

LIR 81915 - TaiwazR

This week, let's know there are no limitations. We don't have to make bargains, exchanges, or sacrifices. We're gonna watch the movie AND finish the project AND play outside. We shall eat ice cream today and still fit in those jeans tomorrow. 

Taiwaz is about expediency, making choices, sometimes sacrificing - where sacrifice means, exchanging one thing for another. TaiwazR is, obviously, about the reverse of that. Not making a choice, not exchanging. Having it all.

Yes, it might actually take more time, or more energy, but all it really takes is a choice. And a belief. I believe I have the time, the energy, the brain power, the space, the fiscal agility, the (insert adjectives here) to do everything I want to do. To include all I want to include. And to do it well, because part of having something done is being able to look back at it and say I did that!

Now, if you're looking at a situation and thinking, okay, I'm doing it all, I have it all, and I'm still missing something, perhaps this is the week a previous choice repays you. With Taiwaz being about expediency, perhaps what you're looking for is left over from the past - the money you saved, the outfit you didn't wear, the material you didn't use. This could be the time to use it all.

This week, let's not give things up, or make hard choices between two desires. This week, let's practice doing it all. Being it all. Having it all.  


And here, instead of my usual rambling about myself, I offer you a little assitance in actually doing it all. Cuz if you're like me, just the thought of getting it ALL done creates a whirlwind inside your head. So. When you start to feel the hyperventilation, I hope this helps:

* Stop everything you are doing (unless you're driving)
* Take a deep breath. Yeah, really. Just take a deep breath. Follow that breath all the way, make sure it hits the bottom of the diaphragm.
* What? You're not sure? Try again. The breath goes in the nose, down the back of the throat, THRU the lungs, pushing down the diaphragm, expanding the lower ribs. It also expands the pelvic floor, if you know how to breathe really deeply. But that may be an exercise for another day.
* Blow the air back out. Notice how the everything that expanded contracted? Yeah, the body is pretty amazing. I could go on about this all day, but then neither of us would get anything done.
* Wait! Before you harken back to the whirlwind, one more deep breath. Do you notice where your attention is? If you've been breathing (and gazing in wonder at your expanding bellybutton) your attention is on your base. Your root. Your foundation. Not up in the head where all the lists run rampant.
* Stay here, grounded in the breathing of the body which is fully capable of accomplishing all you want to accomplish. The body fueled by the breath. The breath which flows easily and expands.
* When things are expanded, more things can fit in them.
* When things are expanded, more things can be done.
* When the mind and spirit are expanded with the body, more things are possible.
Like a squirrel on caffeine (a scene from Over the Hedge), everything slows down. And we can see (through our oxygen charged brains) more efficient, easy ways to do things.
We can also see (say it softly) what things don't REALLY need to be done today (sadly, dishes and laundry have to be done SOMETIME.)
* One more breath. Then, from this great expanded awareness, pick the next thing to focus on. Cuz your body, amazing as it is, can only do one or two things at a time, right? So, what's the next step?
* And breathe.
* And what's the next step?
* And breathe.
* and repeat until...'re finished. Yay you!

Hope this helps you as  much as it helps me. (And yes, this is something I do every day. In fact, I was doing this a few minutes ago when the whirlwind tried to take over my shower. Not only did it calm me down and give me space, it gave me something to post. Yeah, for multi-purpose tools!)

This is going to be an amazing week. For me, at least. I hope yours is too!


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